Dev Ref ASM Ref Release Build No Name Initiative Category Current Behaviour New/Updated Behaviour Behaviour Feature status
AS-2108 63929 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Support Resolved In Period search for My Items UX and Usability
  • Search

The Search Criteria available for My Items in the Portal was restricted to only allow for:

  • Open

  • Resolved< 1 Week

  • Resolved <4 Weeks

  • Resolved

To allow End Users to specify a Date Range - Resolved in Period as an additional option in the same way you can do this on the Call and Request Search Criteria:

AS-2844 77115 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Catalogue items don’t load when Users land into the Portal catalogue page using the deep link Quality
  • Service Catalog

When Deep Linking to categories in the Service Catalog in Self Service Portal, the images are not being displayed to all users.

Images are now visible when navigating to the Service Catalog from a Deep Link URL.

AS-3171 80014 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Add "Groups Calls" as an Option to Nano UX and Usability
  • Search

Viewing specific Groups Calls is not available in Nano.

Adding the ability for an Analyst in Nano to see their Groups Calls as an option in the Calls Outstanding Screen.

AS-3178 80069 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 If you re-assign a call to a group or analyst using the assign to field, it won't update any of the fields. Quality
  • IPK

Current Analyst, Current Group and Assigned Group fields where not always correctly updating to reflect the latest assignment in Nano when displayed on the Call Details screen.

Current Analyst, Current Group and Assigned Group fields now correctly reflect the latest assignment changes.

AS-3285 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Conversation History (Nano) UX and Usability
  • Conversation Widget

The Conversation History widget was only available within the Self Service Portal.

The Conversation History is now available to be added to the Details Screens in Nano so that Analysts can can more clearly see the interaction between Analysts and End Users and also Add Notes and Attachments to items.

AS-3311 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Logout does not always release all Analyst Sessions Quality
  • Licensing

Analyst Sessions were not always being cleared in a timely manner and it would then appear that some Analysts were logged into ASM when they were not.

On Logout ASM now correctly clears the session cookie to ensure licences are released in a timely manner.

AS-3347 81066 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Ability to "View group Tasks" and "View group Requests" in Nano UX and Usability
  • Search

Nano Analysts were unable to easily view their Group's Requests and Tasks in the Request Outstanding or Task Outstanding screens.

Adding the ability for an Analyst in Nano to see their Groups Calls as an option in the Calls Outstanding Screen.

AS-3350 79666 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Nano Screens set to not close, On Save renders the screen as read only. UX and Usability
  • IPK

If Nano was configured to not close the Call Details screen on pressing the Save Button, the Call would be left in a Read Only state.

The Nano Call Details screen is now editable upon Save, if configured to not Close the Call Details screen upon pressing Save button.

AS-3374 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Change Nano scroll bar styling UX and Usability
  • Styling

The Search Field Scrollbar on Search Fields in Nano was too thin and was not easily differentiated from the rest of the control.

The scroll bar is now lighter in colour and wider and is more clearly seen by Analysts in Nano.

AS-3375 77318 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Ability to Clear the Service Action Ref Field and set Filters in Designer UX and Usability
  • Designer

Service Action Ref field is set to be read-only by default when added to ASM screens via the Screen Designer..

Screen Designer logic has been amended to allow the Service Action Ref field to be set to be editable and allow for Field Level Filters to be set if required.

AS-3376 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Ability for Analysts to Save the Workload Screen Filters on Exit UX and Usability
  • Search

On logging out of Nano, an Analyst would lose their previously set options for Search and Outstanding screens.

Configured Options on Search and Outstanding screens are now retained. On Exit the current selection will be retained for when the Analyst next logs into Nano

AS-3377 70165 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Analyst not receiving emails from Tasks being assigned from Template or Forward to WF Group Quality
  • Email

The Current Analyst of the Task was receiving the email notifications when Tasks are forwarded to another group or analyst.

The assigned analyst or group will now receive the email notification.

AS-3378 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Unexpected comma in request description Quality
  • RTE Control

The Request Description field in Nano had an erroneous comma displayed.

The Request Description field now displays as per the Workflow Template.

AS-3379 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Assigned To Field to be sorted Alphabetically UX and Usability
  • Search Fields

Assigned To field in Nano would display entries based on Ref Number when using the wildcard.

Assigned To field in Nano now displays Analysts and Groups alphabetically.

AS-3380 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Unable to unmark attachments as Visible in Portal UX and Usability
  • Attachments

The Visible in Portal flag was not able to be set in Nano by an Analyst after it had been attached to an item.

Attachments in Nano can now be changed without the need to delete/re upload by changing the Visible in Portal flag in the Attachments section.

AS-3381 80753 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 RV_TIMESHEET_OFFICER does not match core search results Quality
  • Reports

The RV_TIMESHEET_OFFICER Report View in the database was not filtering the same history entries as Core.

The Report View now correctly reflects the information displayed within the Core Timesheets.

AS-3382 79706 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Create Screen form Core produces an error on User Approval Tasks Quality
  • Designer

When copying a User Approval Task screen in Screen Designer from a Core Screen to a Nano Screen an error was being thrown and the screen was not being copied correctly.

User Approval Task screens are now being copied from Core to Nano correctly.

AS-3383 79462 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Ability to add a Change Reason in Nano on SLA Stop Clock UX and Usability
  • SLM

If an SLAAgreement was configured to require an Analyst to specify a text based Reason when the SLA Clock was stopped (Call Status change or on Suspension) there was not a way to do this in Nano.

A New Nano Setting in System Administration > Nano has been added to allow Analysts in Nano to enter a Reason if one has been configured on the SLA Agreement:

Analysts will now see the following pop-up in Nano

AS-3477 80506 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Dashboard Rendering Issues in Nano Quality
  • Dashboards

Dashboard Platform Date Ranges and Card Widgets were not displaying correctly when Dashboards where displayed in Nano.

Embedded dashboards in Nano now correctly display Date Ranges and Card widgets.

AS-3478 81151 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Error on Cancelling a Task with Keep Screen Open on Save enabled Quality
  • Workflow

An error would be displayed when pressing the Cancel button on a task in Nano when the Keep Screen Open on Save option is configured.

The screen is now closed as expected without an error when pressing the Cancel button on a task in Nano when the Keep Screen Open on Save option is configured.

AS-3480 79580 HERMES 10.6.8 13140 Auto Population of Call Location Field as per Core when User Populated Quality
  • IPK

In Core when entering a User, if they have an Organization or Location entered on their Person Record, this would auto populate on the Call Details Screen if the Call Location or Call Organization fields where present. This did not happen in Nano.

The behaviour has been changed so that if Call Location or Call Organization fields are visible on the Call Details screen in Nano that they will automatically be populated.

AS-1786 62710 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Support web hooks on all task types Quality
  • WebHooks

Webhooks were previously only able to be configurred for Standard Tasks

The Webhook Configuration screen has been amended to allow the Analyst to be able to specify the Task Type and to drill down to specific sub types if configured to allow all Task Types to be defined as a Webhook trigger:

AS-2435 69583 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 KB article pinned page fails to load when opening the system- provides IIS error on the page Quality
  • Navigation

Pinning a specific Knowledge Article as one of the Tabs that reopens when an Analyst logs into ASM was resulting in the Knowledge Article not being displayed properly.

Pinning a specific Knowledge Article as one of the Tabs that reopens when an Analyst logs in now returns the correct Knowledge Article details in review mode.

AS-2436 69581 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Filter date in Call search doesn't work after exporting call to Excel Quality
  • Export to Excel

After exporting a set of results to Excel column filters are not able to be modified or cleared.

The Filters can now be modified or cleared after a set of results have been exported to Excel.

AS-2537 70366 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Add support for hyphenated words in text search Quality
  • Search

Searching for values containing hyphens using the Search Text field in the Search Criteria Panels in Core was not returning any valid results.

When searching for values containing a hyphen within the Search Text Search Criteria, the expected matching results are now returned in the Search Results.

AS-3335 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Inline images in html from web hooks UX and Usability
  • WebHooks

Inline Images in HTML was not bein sent via the Webhooks.

Inline Images are now supported when contained within HTML Fields and sent via a Webhook.

AS-3336 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Support attachments in web hooks UX and Usability
  • WebHooks

Attachments were not supported by ASM Webhooks

New Webhook Events have been added for Upload, Update and Delete of Attachments when configuring a Webhook:

AS-3337 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Support upload of base64 attachments UX and Usability
  • WebHooks

The Alemba API did not support Base64 Attachments.

The Alemba API will now support the upload of Attachments in Base64 Format to simplify the process and support via Logic Apps.

AS-3338 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Create distinct cache key for each connector instance UX and Usability
  • Connector Builder
  • Integration

When creating multiple Connectors using the ASM Hermes Connector Builder the ER Type was getting confused and displaying correctly and therefore not allowing different mappings to be configurred.

Each Connector now has a separate cache that allows the correct ER Type to be configurred allowing for different mappings to be set per connector.

AS-3372 HERMES 10.6.8 13255 Support for Attachments in Webhooks Extensibility
  • WebHooks

Webhooks did not support the creation, updating or deletion of Attachments sent through Webhooks.

New Webhook Events forUpload, Update and Delete:

AS-3329 81829 HERMES 10.6.8 13283 Html version of full text on KB articles does not display when using Logic apps Quality
  • Alemba ITSM

When using the Alemba API you were unable to return the HTML version of the Abstract, Solution or Additional Information fields.

The Alemba API has been extended to support returning the HTML versions of the Abstract, Solution or Additional Information fields.

AS-3356 82027 HERMES 10.6.8 13283 Field changes not saving on closure tasks Quality
  • Workflow

Changes made to fields on the Workflow Closure Task where not being saved.

Field changes on the Closure Task are now correctly being saved.

AS-650 11854 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Automatically set Call Suspension and preset the Suspension Time based on Call Status change in ASM Core UX and Usability
  • SLM

The ability to automatically stop the SLA Clock when a Call's Status was changed is only available to Analysts in Nano.

In ASM Core, the ability to automatically stop the SLA Clock when a Call's Status has changed has been extended to allow Analysts in Core to do this.

Analysts can change a Call's Status (on Forward or Defer Screens) and the Suspended Until option will be automatically selected and the Suspend Time will be set to the number of hours in the future. Stopping the SLA Clock is then handled by the assigned SLA on the Call to stop the clock if configurred.

Administrators can define which Call Statuses automatically Suspend the Call (Essentially setting the Suspended Until checkbox to true). In addition you can also define the Suspend Time (in hours) that the Call will automatically be suspended for.

To automatically stop the clock the assigned SLA for the call needs to be configured to "Automatically Stop Clock on Suspend".

The Call Statuses can be configured in System Administration > IPK Management > Call Status Titles:

For example if you are waiting for a 3rd Party update or a customer response.

AS-2696 72933 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Send Email checkbox on Call Forward not doing anything Quality
  • Email

The Send Email checkbox on the Call Forward Screen in Core was not being adhered to and an email was being sent irrespective of whether it was being checked or not.

The Send Email checkbox on the Call Forward Screen in Core now only sends an email if it has been checked.

AS-3191 79325 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Automatically deploy CSV Linking Connector Quality

The CSV Linking Connector is currently a manual installation that replaces the existing CSV Connector.

As part of new installations or upgrades the CSV Linking Connector will be installed and made available within the Integration Platform as its own

AS-3200 79730 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 The KB Import isn't importing files and the last import date doesn't change regardless of future/past date inserted Quality
  • Knowledge

Upon setting up a schedule to import knowledge using the KB Import utility, the schedule would not run successfully.

The KB Import schedule now successfully imports or updates KB Articles each time the schedule is run.

AS-3302 82235 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Assigned Analyst/Group not getting Notifications from Conversation History UX and Usability
  • Conversation Widget

The Analyst or Group owning a Call/Request/Task was not receiving any email Note Added notifications or Indicator column updates when notes added from the Conversaion History Widget.

The Analyst or Group is now notified correctly when updates are made in the Conversation History widget in Portal.

AS-3353 81224 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Grid Widget Filters not working in Nano UX and Usability
  • Grid Widget

Custom Grid Widgets added to Nano Screens in Screen Designer were not correctly applying the configured Filters.

Filters are now correctly applied to the custom Grid Widgets in Nano.

AS-3367 82131 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 "Assign to" Field not working in Nano Quality
  • IPK

The Assign To field in Nano was expected to retain the Analyst or Group set in the selection.

This is currently working as designed and we will be looking to provide an option to retain the selected value rather than blank the field in a future version.

AS-3369 81737 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 IPK/WF Group Search Fields do not return results Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

IPK and WF Search Fields in Nano where not returning an error.

IPK and WF Search Fields in Nano now return the correct data.

AS-3409 82286 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Filter Rules not adhering to correct drill down level Quality
  • Rules Builder

Filter Rules where incorrectly stopping at the great-grandparent level instead of the configurred level.

Filters within the Rules Builder now correctly apply when set to the desired filter level.

AS-3412 82330 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Resubmitting the form causes the request assigning to the wrong group UX and Usability
  • Conversation Widget
  • Service Catalog

Clicking the Back Browser button or immediately adding notes via the Conversation Widget in Portal on the Review screens could cause the item to be incorrectly reassigned to the Default group if the item had already been submitted.

Portal Navigation has been changed so that End Users are unable to resubmit an item twice. They will be presented with a warning message.

AS-3416 82433 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Type Tier field is displaying deleted types in the SSP Quality
  • Type Tier Control

The Type Tier fields in Portal are displaying Types that have been deleted.

The Type Tier fields in Portal now correctly display only active Types.

AS-3482 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 No admin audit for Suspend Time field Quality
  • Sys Admin/Config

The Suspend Time field was not able to be configured to be audited

The Suspend Time field can now be configured to be audited in Screen Designer.

AS-3484 HERMES 10.6.8 13333 Support Upgrades from Same Version Number Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

Upgrades can now be built without the need to routinely increment the minor version number allowing fixes requiring screen upgrades or schema changes to not require version changes.

AS-3483 HERMES 10.6.8 13368 SLA Stop Clock Suspend Time by Call Status not supported by the Rest API Extensibility
  • Alemba API

The ability to set a default Suspend Time period for calls that had been configurred to stop the SLA Clock when the Call Status changed in Core was added in ASM Hermes.

In ASM Hermes we added a new feature to allow the SLA Clock to be automatically suspended based on configured Call Statuses. This is now supported through the Alemba API

AS-3485 HERMES 10.6.8 13368 Ability to configure Workflow Polling interval UX and Usability
  • Workflow

A Performance change was implemented in ASM Hermes to throttle the creation of tasks so that Submission Forms would be able to be displayed and completed faster from the Portal.

The delay between Workflow Polling is now configurable so that End User testing can be performed in a faster fashion.

Added MinPollingDelayMS registry key to ASM System:

If unset the minimum polling interval will be 60 seconds

If less than 1 second, the interval will be set to 1 second

AS-3475 82725 HERMES 10.6.8 13384 Custom Rich Text Fields on the Approval Approve screen in SSP do not display correctly Quality
  • Designer

Adding custom Text Area fields to the Approval Approve/Reject screens in Portal would not display the contents correctly including displaying HTML tags.

Custom Text Area Fields are now displaying the HTML contents correctly.

AS-1280 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Show custom fields in create request task mappings Quality
  • Workflow

Custom Request/Task Fields where unable to be mapped from the Create Request Task.

Custom Fields are now able to be mapped from the Create Request Task.

AS-1771 61360 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Delete Task in Task Dependencies Diagram deletes dependant tasks Quality
  • Workflow

Deleting Tasks in the Workflow Dependency Diagram could cause Multiple Tasks or the remaining Tasks linked to the Task that was to be deleted to also be removed from the Workflow Diagram.

Delete Task now only removes the selected Task.

AS-2379 68621 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Updating Workflows can remove all tasks from Dependency Diagram UX and Usability
  • Workflow

Removing a Task in the Workflow Dependency Diagram can cause linked Tasks to also be removed.

Analysts are now prompted to remove all links for a Task that is to be removed so that Tasks are not unexpectedly removed:

AS-2724 69778 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Remove or fix column showing incorrect information (Global search results column) Quality
  • Global Search

Global Search in Self Service Portal displays a column showing the SQL Rank Score for the search text which confuses End Users and is not particularly useful information.

This column has now been removed and the remaining Global Search columns resized.

AS-2833 75767 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Alemba API support for IPK 2 Step Closure Methods Quality
  • Alemba API

The Alemba API would only support Immediate Closure Method so was unable to be used as expected to Close Calls where Rules or Comments based Closure Method was configurred.

The Alemba API now supports all Closure Methods inc Immediate, Comments and Rules.

AS-3277 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Allow Multiple Sessions/Devices for Named Analysts UX and Usability
  • Login
  • Session

Named Analysts can only be logged into 1 Browser Session at a time.

Sessions have been altered to allow Named Analysts to be logged in from more than 1 device or browser at a time.

AS-3403 82256 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Search for a Full Name in the Email CC or BCC fields it does not find a match Quality
  • Search Fields

Searching for a User by Full Name in the CC or BCC Fields in Nano Interface would not find the User.

This has been resolved so that the User is returnerd as expected and can be added as a CC ot BCC Recipient

AS-3494 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 The Task dependency diagram is sometimes getting frozen Quality
  • Workflow

When refreshing the Workflow Dependency diagram the screen could intermittently become unresponsive.This was due to the Workflow dependency diagram trying to refresh itself twice in quick succession.

The Workflow Dependency diagram no longer becomes unresponsive when ASM attempts to save/refresh within a short period of time and therefore no longer causes the screen to become unresponsive.

AS-3495 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Refresh button inconsistently flagging Tasks to be linked in Workflow Dependency Diagram Quality
  • Workflow

Refreshing the Workflow Dependency diagram was not always highlighting unlinked Tasks correctly to prompt the Analyst to link the Tasks in the diagram.

When an Analyst presses the refresh button on the Workflow Dependency Diagram, unlinked tasks are now always captured and highlighted to the Analyst to be linked.

AS-3496 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Error when using Custom Call QD Fields Quality
  • Search Fields

[object Object] error when viewing results in Custom Call QD Fields

Search Fields using the Alemba API where incorrectly excluding deleted items, this has been fixed and the no error is no longer created as deleted items are now filtered correctly.

AS-3497 HERMES 10.6.8 13498 Ability to set SLA Stop Clock Suspend Time by Call Status in Nano UX and Usability
  • SLM

The ability to set a default Suspend Time period for calls that had been configurred to stop the SLA Clock when the Call Status changed in Core was added in ASM Hermes.

The Default Suspend Time can now be set in Core and will also be used when changing Call Status in Nano.

AS-448 51958 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Multiple Items not shown correctly in Service Catalog Quality
  • Service Catalog

The Quantity Value on Service Catalog Tiles was not always getting displayed in full.

The Quantity Value on Service Catalog Tiles in Portal is now displayed correctly.

AS-872 52939 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Search Criteria no longer includes Entity History Quality
  • Search

Search Criteria - Search Text was not always searching the Entity History.

This is now fixed. This should have been resolved with ASM Hermes GA Release

AS-917 53019 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Unable to Scroll on Read Only Text Area Quality
  • Designer

Rich Text Area Fields were not allowing the Analyst to scroll vertically to see all the contents when set to read only.

This is now fixed. This should have been resolved with ASM Hermes GA Release

AS-1226 56335 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Unable to Remove Recipients from Messaging Tasks Quality
  • Workflow

In the ASM Workflow, when updating a Messaging Task and delete a recipient, the Message Task was still showing the deleted recipient.

Deleted Recipients are now no longer displayed in the Recipients list on a Messaging Task.

AS-1249 56695 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Unable to paste images after Taking Action on a Call Quality
  • RTE Control

After Actioning an Entity it was not always possible to copy any images in the RTE Fields.

This has been resolved so that images can now be correctly copied after an Enitity has been actioned.

AS-1338 54783 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Select Category in Catalogue highlighted Quality
  • Skins Designer

Select Category button in the Portal Service Catalog is not being highlighted when selected.

Select Category button in the Portal Service Catalog is now being highlighted when selected at all times.

AS-1775 61678 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Scheduled Calls/Requests do not show in UI Quality
  • Request Scheduling

Scheduled Calls and Requests were not being displayed correctly in the Core Admin Screen despite having necessary permissions

This has been fixed to enable the Call or Request Schedules to be displayed according to the Analysts set permissions.

AS-1798 62009 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Add Me to MI Dialogue Text Needs to reflect chosen nomenclature Quality
  • Add Me functionality

The Add Me functionality could be configured to use a different IPK Status than Major Incident. The dialogues in Portal would still reflect the Major Incident Status.

Portal Add Me dialogues now correctly display the configured IPK Status.

AS-2070 64107 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Date Received missing on Survey Already Complete Self Service page Quality
  • Surveys

Date Received field was not being populated on the Survey Already Completed screen.

Date Received field is now correctly populated.

AS-2122 65157 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Knowledge/ Service Order search via quick search in Core Missing Quality
  • Search

KB Articles and Service Orders were not searchable through the Core Quick Search function.

As part of the ASM Hermes GA Release this issue was resolved so that KB Articles and Service Orders are now searchable through the Core Quick Search function.

AS-2366 65484 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Bulletin Links in History to allow Expired Bulletins to be viewed UX and Usability
  • Bulletin Board

History Links to view a Bulletin Message would direct the Analyst to the Live Bulletin Board and therefore not display the message if it had expired.

The History item to view the Bulletin Message now opens the Bulletin Message directly even if it has expired from being published.

AS-2530 56304 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 When clicking on "Action" icon the highlighted tasks don't open as actioned Quality
  • Workflow

Selecting multiple Tasks in a grid and then pressing action only opens the first Task, previously ASM would open all the selected Tasks.

ASM Core now opens all the selected Tasks from the grid results.

AS-2534 70314 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Clicking links where authentication is required fails to open and causes ASM to become unresponsive. Quality
  • Navigation

Adding URLs to an RTE Field with SSO enabled were not launching correctly.

URLs now launch in a separate browser tab.

AS-2535 70316 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Emails from a published or updated bulletin always shows the "Updated By" as "System User" Quality
  • Bulletin Board

Bulletin Message emails would often show the Last Updated By user as the System User in certain circumstances.

The Last Analyst to update the Bulletin Board Message is now always correctly displayed as a valid Analyst rather than the System User.

AS-2545 70708 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Images missing in Promoted Catalog Items widget on SSP Homepage Quality
  • Service Catalog

For some End Users the images on the Service Catalog Tiles would display as a broken image.

This issue was fixed with the ASM Hermes GA Release.

AS-2622 71146 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 When adding a note to a Call assigned to yourself an Email is sent advising that you added a note to your Call Quality
  • Email

If an Analyst used the Add Note function to a Call/Request/Task that they had ownership of, they would still receive an email notification that a note had been added.

An email is only sent if the Current Owner of the entity is not the Analyst adding the note.

AS-2628 71441 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Analyst has to delete all keywords one at a time until they reach the incorrect one in the list Quality
  • Knowledge

Text Retrieval > Keywords could not be deleted correctly, you needed to delete all the keywords until you reached the incorrect item in the list.

An Analyst can now correctly select and delete the selected Keyword.

AS-2656 60553 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Attachments added via the Portal to be shown in Indicator columns in Call search Quality
  • Attachments

Attachments added via the Self Service Portal were not displaying an indicator within Core.

Indicator column now displays the correct indicator when Attachments are added via the Portal.

AS-2720 73127 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Customer cannot search for Calls for deleted user Quality
  • Search

Analysts were unable to search for Calls where the User had subsequently been deleted.

Deleted Values now able to return results. This issue was released with the ASM Hermes GA Release

AS-2743 73810 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 The AM/PM stamp is not recorded correctly and the Timezone offsets are added in the Portal submission, but are not picked up properly in Core when viewed by the Analyst Quality
  • Date Picker

The old Portal Date Time Picker was not displaying the AM/PM option correctly.

With ASM Hermes GA Release the Portal Date Time Picker was replaced.

AS-2855 75776 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 When selecting to delete a keyword, it doesn't delete the item selected in the list, it automatically deletes the first item regardless of whether it's selected or not Quality
  • Knowledge

Keywords added to Knowledge Articles were not able to be deleted.

Keywords can now be removed from the Knowledge Article.

AS-2860 72205 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Closure Reason set to default when call closed from portal and field is not present Quality
  • Close Call

End Users closing calls via the portal would see the Closure Reason be reset to Default option if the Call had already been closed and reopened.

There is a new option to set Closure Reasons as Visible in Portal from System Admin: If the closure reason dropdown has been remove or hidden from the call closure portal screen, it should use the value that has been set in Core.

  • If the closure reason dropdown is visible and the selected reason has the visible in portal flag set, then that reason should be selected.

  • If the closure reason dropdown is visible but the selected reason is not visible in portal it should display the blank option.

    • When closing the call and the reason remains blank, it should use the value that was selected in Core.

When closing the call and a new reason has been selected, it should close the call using this newly selected reason.

AS-3192 74369 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Rules Builder not saving criteria correctly Quality
  • Rules Builder

Using the OR operator for multiple criteria using the same filter value would cause an error on the field in Portal and the Rule would not be fully saved in Core:

This has been resolved so the Rule saves correctly and Multiple OR operators can be configured for the same filter.

AS-3234 58939 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Timesheet Grid Column Order not retained Quality
  • Grid Control

Timesheet Grid Column Order not retained

The column order is now retained for the Analyst between sessions.

AS-3237 55737 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Remove Linked Criteria in Search Panels UX and Usability
  • Search Fields

When Searching ASM would often assume the Users Organization or Location and add this to the related Search Criteria, even though these may not be populated in the System for related items often leading to no results being returned or an Analyst having to uncheck these values and re running the search to view the results.

The Linked Criteria has been removed from the search criteria Location-User-Organisation linking on the following searches:

  • Call search

  • Request search

  • CMD search

  • Service Order Search

AS-3238 59919 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Consistent Drag n Drop from Outlook into ASM UX and Usability
  • Attachments

Dragging an Dropping an Email from Outlook to ASM would intermittently add the Email as an attachment.

The behaviour of the drop zone for adding Attachments to ASM Core has been improved to enable more consistent detection of files to be uploaded as attachments.

AS-3240 73991 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Designer does not return results consistently with multiple screen open Quality
  • Designer

Viewing multiple screens in Screen Designer when Multi Language 'Localisation' column has been hidden would show No Records Found when clicking on the Designer Entity.

This issue was resolved in ASM Hermes GA Release.

AS-3242 72522 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Slow Performance of opening Problem Records with Linked Calls Quality
  • Performance

Some Calls with corrupted Call History entries would take 15-30 seconds to open the affected calls.

Issue can be seen in customers that logged calls in ASM 10.1 with calls with histories that contains image files that have subsequently been corrupted. The data can be fixed by logging a call with the Alemba Service Desk.

AS-3243 72932 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 KB Doc Importer Not working Quality
  • Document Import

The KB Article Import Tool would not be able to schedule updates from the configured folder location.

Regular/Scheduled scans of the configured location containing KB Articles can be setup.

AS-3244 75702 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Ability to configure the Core KB Info Panel UX and Usability
  • Designer

Analysts were unable to customise the KB Review Screens in Core.

The Core Knowledge Review Screens, including the Info Panel is now fully designable using the Screen Designer.

AS-3245 79745 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Error on Bulletin Search Quality
  • Search

Searching for Bulletins in Eos could display an Error on the Bulletin Search Screen Results.

The error has been resolved and is no longer displayed.

AS-3246 80707 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Close Child Calls does not Email the Customers Quality
  • Email

Closing a Child Call that is linked to a parent call was not notifying the User of the Child Call correctly.

Email updates are now received correctly when closing child calls linked to a parent.

AS-3332 75702 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Default Bulletin Expiry Time in Admin Quality
  • Bulletin Board

Bulletin Messages always default to 30 days for the expiry date/time on initially creating the message.

A new setting has been added to the Bulletin Board Settings Screen in System Administration to allow the default expiry time to be configured:

AS-3406 82112 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Clear Form on Search Criteria not clearing Type Tier Fields Quality
  • Search

The Clear Form button on the Search Criteria Panel was not clearing the selected Search Criteria when pressed.

Clear Form button now removes the configured entries in the Search Criteria Panel when pressed.

AS-3417 82087 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Additional Linked Call Columns List UX and Usability
  • Linking

Location Field is now a column when linking Calls within Core.

AS-3418 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Problems with adding citrix chrome-extensions to service worker cache Quality
  • Session

Issues recorded in the Developer Tools with some Chrome Extensions.

Adding Chrome Extensions no longer create errors with the ASM Service Worker.

AS-3493 82849 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Improve Quick Solutions Administration Quality
  • Quick Solutions

The Quick Solution System Administration Screen would incorrectly show the mapped fields and also change the mappings incorrectly when selecting one of the solutions and making changes.

The Quick Solution Admin Screen has been rebuilt to allow the documented behaviour to correctly allow additions, deletions and correct mappings to be configured.

AS-3506 82385 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Browser right click function overridden by the table controls function Quality
  • Accessibility

Rich Text Editor Fields would display a context menu upon Right Click preventing the Browser Menu (for spellcheck for example) to be able to be used.

The context menu items have now been added to the Toolbar of the RTE and the Right Hand click spawns the Browser context menu as expected.

AS-3508 82113 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Portal v9 Latest News not displaying URLs correctly Quality
  • Latest News

Customers using the v9 Portal Skin would not be able to open a Latest News item if it contained a URL.

This has been resolved so that the Latest News item can be viewed in full if a URL is included in the Bulletin Message.

AS-3519 83123 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Portal Search Field Columns do not align with headers Quality
  • Styling

Large and Extra Large Portal Search Fields were not aligning the column titles with the results correctly.

Column Titles and Results now align correctly for Large and Extra Large Portal Search Fields

AS-3521 80139 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Copy/Paste Request includes Request Ref Quality
  • Workflow
AS-3526 83095 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Portal Type tier rules are not running with new field Quality
  • Type Tier Control

Designer Rules are not working on the Type Tier field in Portal. The list of values were also not ordered correctly.

Screen Designer Rules are now working correctly, the values are also ordered as they were in previous releases.

AS-3531 83334 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Fields that are set on read only on a Nano screen remove any data upon saving Quality
  • Designer

Fields set as read only on Nano Screens were clearing out the form data upon being saved.

The data in Read Only fields in Nano screens do not clear the data upon save.

AS-3561 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Webhook doesn't match but record not found warning message Extensibility
  • WebHooks

The Webhook service was not always matching on a filter.

Additional information has been added to the logs to confirm the exact reason why Webhooks may not be firing. In addition the web-hook will continue to retry for up to 1 hour. The Webhook status will change to F (Fail) in the event it still does not fire in the 1 hour retry period.

AS-3562 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Workflow Pre-Creates UX and Usability
  • Polling Services

Workflow creation was changed in ASM Hermes 10.6 to dynamically create the underlying workflow tasks and their dependencies upon submission of the Request Submission/Details form. This has proved to slow down operations where customers have large and complex underlying workflows, meaning Analysts are no longer able to immediately action and reassign the workflow tasks.

An option to revert to using workflow pre-creates has been added so that the workflow service will create a fixed number of workflows in the background for each template therefore making it quicker for analysts to start actioning the tasks upon submission.

  1. Stop the Workflow Service on the Web Server

2. Add WorkflowPrecreates = 1 to the system registry

3. Start the Workflow Service on the Web Server

AS-3563 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Link history entry to webhook execution Extensibility
  • WebHooks

When including the last history entry in the webhook payload the attachment included in that payload was not always being sent.

Webhooks will now always send the related attachment to the last history entry request.

AS-3564 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Portal Type Tier Field Validation Quality
  • Designer

The Always Required option for Conditional Mandatory setting on the Portal Type Tier field..

This has been corrected so field validation will work whether Always or upon Rule Condition is selected.

AS-3565 81115 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Quick Form lose data when Mandatory Fields are validated Quality
  • Quick Forms

If a screen in core had mandatory/required fields then any configured Quick Forms would subsequently lose the data upon validation (if no data had been entered into those fields.

Mandatory/Required Field form validation no longer clears Quick Form data.

AS-3566 80949 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Timing issue with saving rich text Quality
  • RTE Control

Intermittently if an Explorer Menu option was selected after entering text into a Rich Text Area Field, on return to the screen from for example the Send Email dialogue, the RTE Field could lose the previously entered text.

RTE Field text is no longer lost on navigating away from the Entity Screen before the Entity is saved.

AS-3567 81885 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Imp Start and End Dates from Submission Form populates the dates as epoch if not filled out. Quality
  • Designer

Adding the Imp Start & End Dates to a Portal Submission Screen would see the fields populated with the epoch date (1899).

Imp Start & End Dates added to a Portal Submission Screen no longer display the epoch date if they are initially blank.

AS-3568 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Conversation widget history not displaying the image in RTE Quality
  • Conversation Widget

When just adding an image as part of a conversation in the Conversation Widget, the image would not be added/visible in the conversation.

This has been resolved so that just adding an inline image as the Note/Comment in the Conversation Widget now correctly displays as part of the conversation.

AS-3569 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Add last note to webhook payload for Call, Request and Task Extensibility
  • WebHooks

Webhook Payloads were not correctly sending the last note added when triggered from a Call, Request or Task.

Webhooks now send the last note added via the webhook payload.

AS-3570 HERMES 10.6.8 13574 Option to include all attachments in webhook payload Extensibility
  • WebHooks

It was not possible to send related Attachments as part of a webhook.

A new option has been added to the webhook to allow for the attachments to be sent(as long as they meet the configured criteria): This is enabled via a registry key on the System:

When the "Include all attachments in payload" option is enabled it will include the attachments of that entity in the payload. Example:

  "Action": "Forwarded",
  "Call": {
    "Ref": 757,
    ...omitted for ease of reading
  "Attachments": [
      "Ref": 1720,
      "Name": "Test3.txt",
      "FileSize": 12,
      "ContentType": "text/plain",
      "Data": "VGVzdCBjb250ZW50"    },
      "Ref": 1719,
      "Name": "NewTest1.txt",
      "FileSize": 12,
      "ContentType": "text/plain",
      "Data": "VGVzdCBjb250ZW50"    }

Additional Options:

  • "Attachment Name Filter" - Allows the admin to configure regular expressions to filter what attachments get included by their name. multiple regular expressions can be defined separated by a semi colon ";"

  • "Attachment Size Limit" - Allows the admin to configure a max size of attachment to be included. When greater than 0 (no limit), it will filter what attachments get included based on file size (in kilobytes).

  • "Number of Attachments per Payload Limit" - The maximum number of attachments to be included in the payload. When greater than 0 (no limit), it will select the newest (uploaded/updated most recently) attachments, until the limit is reached.

A new activity log entry will be added for webhooks which indicate what attachments have been included/excluded from the payload.

AS-3557 83401 HERMES 10.6.8 13624 Broken images in email-based attachments Quality
  • Email

In ASM Hermes 10.6.8 Emails with both an inline image and an attachment, the images in the email all break and are not attached to the call.

Images are also broken in any email-based attachments.

A null-exception error has been resolved so that the images are processed correctly when being attached via Email In.

AS-3580 HERMES 10.6.8 13624 Error loading Data Grid Widget in console is observed on SSP Homepage Quality
  • Grid Widget

An error was displayed in the Browser Dev Tools for Grid Widgets presented on the Portal Homepage. This caused the widgets to not display any relevant data.

The error message is no longer displayed in the Browser Developer Tools console and data is returned in the Data Grid widgets.

AS-3581 HERMES 10.6.8 13624 Webhook polling service uses context from the wrong thread when running slow queries Extensibility
  • WebHooks

WebHooks would not always be triggered correctly with large payloads or when other ASM web services causing load on the system.

A new background service has been added to process Web hooks to ensure they are processed in a timely fashion.

AS-3582 HERMES 10.6.8 13624 Webhook service not processing fast enough Extensibility
  • WebHooks

The Web hook Polling Service was not processing the web hooks fast enough for updates matching the criteria.

The Polling Service now only fetches the Web hook Payload when the criteria has been matched successfully which significantly improves the Polling Service performance.

AS-3584 HERMES 10.6.8 13624 Webhook not sending expected payload Extensibility
  • WebHooks

When the Webhooks were being sent the full payload was not always being added correctly.

This has been resolved to ensure the Webhook is now also sending the correct Payload.

AS-3588 83742 HERMES 10.6.8 13699 Actions and solutions tab disappears when pasting content Quality
  • IPK

Intermittently copying and pasting into the Actions and Solutions field from one ASM Core entity to another ASM Core Entity (E.g. from one call to another) would cause the Actions and Solutions Tab to be hidden.

This has been resolved so that Analysts can copy and paste information from one entity to another without the Actions and Solutions tab being hidden.

AS-3606 HERMES 10.6.8 13699 Ability to Create Database Views based on search criteria (Call, Request & Tasks) Extensibility
  • Data Export

Exports from ASM Core and Nano for Analysts would be to Excel. From Excel you could then export to CSV, XLSX or PDF.

From Call, Request and Task Searches, Analysts with the correct permissions can now create the equivalent Database Reporting View by pressing on the Export button in the toolbar.

Calculated Fields are not supported such as Indicator Column and to access Custom Extension Fields then you will need to join this View at the database level.

Please see KB 1958 for more details.

AS-3607 HERMES 10.6.8 13699 Quick Solutions to have the function to autopopulate the one liner for closure Quality
  • Quick Solutions

The One Liner field on the Call Closure Screen was not able to be mapped as part of the Quick Solutions, which meant it could be empty in any related email templates.

The One Liner field is now available to be mapped/populated for Quick Solutions.

AS-3608 HERMES 10.6.8 13699 Wording in Chat Queue alert does not match button text Quality
  • Chat

The Chat Queue Alert Window had an OK Button

The Chat Queue Alert Window OK Button has been renamed as YES to make the dialogue window more readable.

AS-3391 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 On Demand Survey for Calls/Requests UX and Usability
  • Surveys

User Surveys would be triggered upon closure based on a predefined set of criteria,

User Surveys for Calls and Requests can now be configured to be manually sent to any Closed Call. Analysts can manage reminders to ensure survey completion and also bulk send surveys.

End Users are now able to complete the surveys directly within the Self Service Portal.

AS-3402 80343 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Add Me Improvements UX and Usability
  • IPK

A single IPK Status can be configured to allow end users to add them selves as affected by the item, automatically cloning a call and linking themselves to it in order to identify the issue impact and to allow for communication to affected users.

Multiple IPK Statuses can now be included in the Add Me feature. Updates made to the Parent Call can be configured to automatically disseminate down to the child calls. The updates include notes added and linked knowledge articles.

AS-3465 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Customer Chase & Analyst Escalation of Calls and Requests UX and Usability
  • IPK

End Users can prompt for action by adding a note via the Self Service Portal or via Email. This is not always clear to the Current Analyst when managing large number of calls.

End users can now chase calls via the Self Service Portal and to automatically generate an Escalation if required. This is a more pronounced notification to the Analysts that an update is required by the End User. This is in addition to the standard SLA/OLA events and notifications that ASM can be configured to use.

AS-3534 83361 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Inconsistent values of the history private setting when adding attachments and notes in Core and Nano Quality
  • Sys Admin/Config

There were some inconsistencies between how ASM Core and Nano interfaces behaved when setting the Visible in Portal Flag.

The behaviour has now been made consistent so that when the History private setting is true (checked), the "Visible in Portal" checkbox will be unchecked by default everywhere in Core and Nano. If needed, the Analyst can enable the checkbox "Visible in Portal" to make it visible in SSP for attachments or notes.

When the History private setting is false (unchecked), the "Visible in Portal" checkbox will be checked by default when adding a note or attachments in Core and Nano.

Note: The history private setting also affects the default behaviour for the "Visible in Portal" checkbox from Actions & solutions field in the Call details screen but the current behaviour is correct

AS-3554 83484 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Filtering the service action field doesn't work when you try to do it against a Task Quality
  • Designer

Filtering the Service Action field doesn't work when you try to do it against a Task.

This has been resolved so the Field Filters now correctly work on the Task Screens.

AS-3589 83641 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 CMDB linking diagram in Nano shows all linked assets regardless of link to CI being inspected Quality
  • CMDB

For customers with large CMDBs with a high level of CMDB Linking, the Nano CMDB Diagram would try and display all the CMDB Links at all levels which made the diagram unreadable.

The Nano CMDB Linking diagram will now only display one level Up (Parent CIs) and one Level Down(Child CIs) from the selected CI.

AS-3609 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Search doesnt close when used for linking Quality
  • Search

The Search Screen when linking items (Stakeholders, Service Actions etc) to a Service Bundle would not close automatically.

This has been resolved so that after searching for items to link them to the Service Bundle the Search Screen will automatically close and return you to the Service Bundle Details Screen,

AS-3610 HERMES 10.6.8 13734 Surveys not sent when calls closed from API Quality
  • Surveys

Creating, Submitting and then Closing a Call via the Alemba API would not trigger the User Survey.

User Surveys should now be sent out if using the Alemba API to Create, Submit and Close the Call

AS-2401 69029 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Type Tiers - Equal and Below in rules builder doesn't work consistently Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

Equal and Below in rules builder doesn't work consistently

IsEqualOrAbove and IsEqualOrBelow operators work in the rules builder

AS-2919 75686 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Can't search for orgs by location when orgs imported using connector Quality
  • Search

When you search for organisations it shows in the search results there are no locations linked, although organisations were imported via CSV and a resolution rule for the location was set

The locations are now populating when doing a CSV import and setting a resolution rule.

AS-3306 81484 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 The Submit button disappears on Save on the Request screen Quality
  • Workflow

The Submit button disappears on Save on the Request screen

Users are now able to save a new Request, prior to submitting and then edit it further, before finally clicking Submit.

AS-3308 81269 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Concurrent Licences not being released on Logout Quality
  • Licensing
  • Login

Systems configured with Concurrent Licences where not releasing the licences when Analysts logged out, meaning the concurrent pools appeared to be fully utilised when they were not.

Concurrent Licences are now released as soon as the Analyst logs out of ASM so that the licence can be reused by other Analysts.

AS-3512 80180 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Deep links on the SSP to not work with AD authentication enabled Quality
  • Deep Links

Deep links on the SSP not working with AD authentication enabled

Deep links on the SSP work with AD authentication enabled

AS-3513 80477 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Deleted type tiers are showing on the portal Quality
  • Type Tier Control

Default type tiers are still showing on the SSP when setting default types hidden in IPK Management>IPK Type Tiers

The default type tiers are hidden when setting is enabled

AS-3514 80992 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Rules are not running against Single Search fields, displayed as "Dropdown" in the Portal Quality
  • Designer

Rules are not running in Screen Designer for QD fields displayed as "Dropdown" in the SSP

Rules for the dropdown display type are running for normal, custom and linked fields.

AS-3522 83148 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Portal display name and logo incorrect when you cancel out of a service catalog item using the cancel button on a submission screen Quality
  • Skins Designer

Portal display name and logo incorrect when you cancel out of a service catalog item using the "Cancel" button on a submission screen

The Portal page processing was changed to handle the Cancel button properly

AS-3527 79409 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 The search doesn’t bring results back either with or without wildcards Quality
  • Search

Wildcards not working when doing a search

The special characters are now processed correctly when doing a search

AS-3545 83420 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Rules builder does not allow <> operators Quality
  • Rules Builder

Rules builder does not allow <> operators

Not equal to <> operators are now working int he rules builder

AS-3573 83298 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Email and Attachment are not being added to Objects Quality
  • Email

Intermittent issue whereby the email and attachment are not being added to Objects when a Call is created via email.

Null reference error when processing the table name was causing the attachment issue. Emails and attachments are processed correctly

AS-3577 83791 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 When adding an attachment to an email, you can only add one at a time Quality
  • Email

When sending emails from ASM, only one attachment can be added at a time. In order to add multiple attachments, the Analyst has to press on adding attachments multiple times.

Added the ability to attach multiple files at a time when sending an email.

AS-3578 83799 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 When adding stakeholders to an email, you can’t perform multi-select Quality
  • Email

When adding stakeholders to an email, you have to perform it one by one and cannot multi-select

Added the ability to select multiple stakeholders when sending an email

AS-3585 83690 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Old SLM events do not close when the workflow rules run Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

SLM Events do not immediately close when the SLM Matrix is updated via the IPK Workflow Rules (Populate Fields) to update the Urgency or Impact fields.

The SLM Events now close as expected when updated via the IPK Workflow Rules.

AS-3593 83067 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Issue with the Email Event Connector whereby a field called Last Update in the XML file is not populating correctly Quality
  • Event Connector
  • Integration

Issue with THE Email Event Connector whereby a field called Last Update in the XML file is not populating correctly, i.e. current date/time rather than extracting this from any content in the email or headers.

The field will be populated with the date the email was sent (from the header of the email using the email event connector).The headers are available for mapping

AS-3595 83910 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Attachments not visible on SSP User approvals unless the user has the Review Org Requests option enabled Quality
  • Attachments
AS-3617 84795 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Error when adding a comment in the conversation widget Quality
  • Conversation Widget

When adding a comment into the Conversation widget on the Call/Request Review screens the User could be presented with an error

Comments are now correctly added as notes to the Call or Request from the Conversation Widget.

AS-3630 82453 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Remove disabled attribute for input fields in the portal Quality
  • Designer

Have a checkbox that disables a QD field in the SSP. Change the value of the QD field and then check the checkbox so the QD field is disabled in SSP

Upon logging a Call in SSP, when selecting a value in the QD field and then check the checkbox, the QD field turns read only.

AS-3632 83801 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 User Approval Access to Request Objects not working Quality
  • Workflow

User Approval Access to Request Objects not working

When "User Approval Access to Request Objects" is enabled, the Users can view and download the Request Objects

AS-3633 83796 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Reminders not working on tasks with multiple recipients Quality
  • Workflow

Reminders are not working on tasks with multiple recipients

Reminders are triggered for Tasks/Approvals that are assigned to multiple recipients

AS-3636 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Rules don't work on QD fields in the portal Quality
  • Designer

Rules don't work on QD fields in the portal

Rules are triggered in QD fields in the SSP

AS-3637 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Type field in request submission screen in portal is getting displayed in 2 rows Quality
  • IPK

Type field in the Request submission screen in the SSP is getting displayed in 2 rows

Type field in the Request submission screen in the SSP is getting displayed correctly

AS-3638 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Pressing on Back button in the suggested knowledge adds one more row Quality
  • Suggested Knowledge

Pressing on the "Back button" in the Suggested Knowledge adds one more row, so the QD fields are showing twice

The QD fields are displaying correctly after pressing on the "Back button"

AS-3639 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Wrong time in portal date picker when using 12 hour clock Quality
  • Date Picker

Wrong time in displayed in the SSP date picker when using 12 hour clock

The date picker is displayed correct when using the 12 hours clock.

AS-3640 HERMES 10.6.8 13827 Portal date picker using US date format UX and Usability
  • Date Picker

The Date Picker in Portal was always returning dates in US Format.

This has been modified so that the date picker in Portal will respect the browsers locale and display in UK Format when required.

AS-1817 62763 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Conditional Mandatory on Close for Checkboxes not working Quality
  • Designer

The rule now prompts to select the checkbox

AS-2754 74057 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Inconsistent type tiers available based on IPK status when moving to and from closure screen Quality
  • IPK

On the Call Closure Screen on any IPK Status the limit type by IPK Status was not being adhered to, resulting in inconsistent type tiers when moving to and from the Closure screen

Closure screens now retain the selected types from the main screen.

AS-2796 74067 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Ability to mark an update type on the Add a Note Call/Request Screens Quality
  • IPK

Analysts have encountered scenarios where they desired the ability to designate an update type directly on the Call/Request screens while adding a note. This would offer additional context beyond the note description itself.

This feature enhancement to the ASM will enable the customers to mark the update type when adding a note on the Call/Request/Task Add a Note Screens by “Enabling the Action Type in the Add Note Screens” checkbox in the Action Type Screens.

In the configuration of the update types, there will be the ability to mark the action type as a “chase”, “escalation” or another custom status. This would allow customers the ultimate flexibility with the ability to customise the list along and record the specific important types of updates, chases and escalations.

"Action type" will show a list of available action types and a blank option (selected by default).

AS-2804 74078 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 No prompt for Suspension reason on new calls Quality
  • SLM

There was no prompt for Suspension reason on new Calls

Stop clock reason dialog (Change reason- Reason why the clock is stopped) will be now shown when relevant setting is enabled and the entity has an active agreement.

AS-2845 77093 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Filter Analyst Views/Searches by IPK Status UX and Usability
  • IPK

Inability to restrict Call searching based on the security role settings. Currently, in ASM only logging Incidents can be restricted to certain IPK Statuses and the new feature will cover viewing and searching IPK Statuses as well.

This feature enhancement to ASM will restrict and control searching, quick searching and viewing other IPK Statuses in Core/Nano that are not assigned to the Analyst’s security role.This setting will apply to Call searches, Calls outstanding, Quick Search and API.

When ticking the “Restrict IPK Status” checkbox, the selected IPK Statuses from the list in the IPK Management Tab for logging, will be the ones available for Searches . This will be reflected in Call Searches, Calls Outstanding and Quick Search.When ticking the “Restrict Searches, Quick Searches and Views to IPK Statuses” checkbox, this setting will allow Admins to select the IPK Statuses that are visible to the Analysts in Core based on the security role setting. This will allow Admins to filter the IPK Statuses for viewing, quick viewing and searching in ASM Core.

The information that the API returns needs to only show values that are present in the Selected IPK Statuses List.

Same setting will be in effect for Nano, so this will be reflected in Call Searches, Calls Outstanding, Quick Search and My Counts in Nano.

AS-3160 79515 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Service Action URL not processed correctly Quality
  • Service Catalog

The URL fails and defaults back to the homepage when prompted from the Promoted Catalogue

A Javascript change was made to replace '&amp' with '&' to ensure that service actions that Launch a URL work properly, including those that are promoted items

AS-3511 69004 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Linked services are no longer showing on Requests Quality
  • Workflow

Linked services were not showing on the Request screen

Linked services are now displayed when adding a service to the Request Screen

AS-3536 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Analyst Time Zone UX and Usability
  • Time Zones

Add an option in the user's profile to choose whether to set their own time zone or have it inherited from their location or organization

Analyst can now choose which time zone should be used as Person's time zone.

AS-3548 83474 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Persistent filters on Searches Quality
  • Search

The system currently retains filters from one session to another, a feature not mirrored for the analyst. Consequently, upon returning to a search, these filters persist, often leading to challenges in finding desired items as they may be inadvertently excluded. Notably, without the filter column visible, Analysts have no indication of active filters, and even when visible, the blue-shaded filter icon may not be sufficiently conspicuous.

To address this issue, column Filters will only persist for Saved Searches, on ad hoc searches initiated from the Analyst, the columns will not have any pre set column filters.

AS-3553 83048 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Chat popup is brief and no sound is played Quality
  • Chat

The chat popup is brief and no sound is played.

The display time of the Chat Notification pop-up in Core has been increased and a sound is played when the chat is updated

AS-3591 84253 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Quick solution template field mappings disappears when entering a special character Quality
  • Quick Solutions

Quick solution template field mappings disappears when entering a character with accent

Setting Quick Solution mapping to any special character is now possible.

AS-3596 84354 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 "Invalid chat session" error when User closes Teams chat via the Teams app Quality
  • Chat

"Could not find a valid chat session" error when User closes Teams chat via the Teams app

Teams widget will now accept chat sessions when the user connected flag is false.

When the Analyst accesses the defer screen, history, objects, etc. and returns to the main details page, the teams widget will still appear in the bottom right of the screen. Allowing the analyst to end the chat.

When the analyst ends the chat, it will now close the chat session in the database.

AS-3614 84487 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 IPK/WF Groups Changes not recorded under the Audit log Quality
  • Audit

IPK/WF Groups Changes not recorded under the Audit log

Changes are now recorded in the Audit log.

Currently, previous and new values are displayed following an IIS Reset.

AS-3624 84605 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Date field on portal: it is not possible to delete the previously entered date as a whole value Quality
  • Dates

It is not possible to delete the previously entered date as a whole value

Now the date can be deleted by pressing on the X in the date field.

AS-3649 74097 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Portal Table Column Alignment Quality
  • Grid Control

Request and Incident Summary on portal when it initially loads displays misaligned columns . After approx. 20 secs these update correctly

The system now aligns columns correctly

AS-3650 74135 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Promoted Items Tile Sizes UX and Usability
  • Homepage

Pagination problem within the Promoted Items when more than 16 items were displayed

The issue with the pagination is now fixed. Tile sizes are now consistent.

AS-3651 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Email at Add a Note setting UX and Usability
  • Email

New setting "Add Email at Add a Note" to IPK Management and Workflow Management roles

If admin setting is enabled and you are not the current Analyst of the entity, the Email Analyst checkbox will be enabled by default and editable.

AS-3652 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Validate minimum character input on suspension/stop clock reason UX and Usability
  • IPK

New admin setting added to Admin -> SLM Settings -> Stop Clock Reason Minimum Characters

This setting will default to 5 characters.

Will be applied when the stop clock reason dialog is displayed. If number of characters not met, then a warning message will appear.

AS-3653 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Hide Add Me Widget if no Add Me statuses are accessible to user UX and Usability
  • Add Me functionality

Hide Add Me Widget if no Add Me statuses are accessible to user

If there are no IPK statuses that the user has access to, the Add me widget will not be displayed on the SSP

AS-3681 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Validation error in the portal Quality
  • Session

Page validation error visible only in ASM Hermes 10.6.813871

Validation error has been resolved

AS-3682 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Redirect ASM Help to New Product Documentation Site
  • Documentation

The Help button was pointing to the old Online help site .

Redirect ASM Help to New Product Documentation Site

AS-3683 HERMES 10.6.8 13907 Conflicting Change indicators functionality is broken Quality
  • Workflow

Conflicting Change indicators functionality is broken

The Change indicators functionality now works as expected.

AS-3662 85232 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 10.6.8 Upon re-opening Closed/resolved Calls that have "Resume previous agreement " and exclude resolved interval", the resolved interval is included and the Call breaches immediately Quality
  • SLM

Upon re-opening Closed/resolved Calls that have "Resume previous agreement and exclude resolved interval" setting, the resolved interval is included in the calculation and the Call breaches.

The downtime is now calculated properly and upon re-opening a Call, the resolved interval is excluded when "Resume previous agreement and exclude resolved interval" setting is selected.

AS-3663 85255 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 10.6.8 Request large text box on a user approval approve screen set to read only is still editable when submitting the form Quality
  • Designer

Request rich text fields (RTE) on user approval screens in the portal that are set to read-only are still editable when submitting the form.

RTE is now rendered as read only and the content on the Request is displaying correctly. The issue was also resolved for custom RTE fields, date fields, QD fields and type tiers.

AS-3664 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 Import" checkbox from connector/integration platform not working Quality
  • Integration

"Import" checkbox from connector/integration platform was not working, meaning that when the "Import" settings is turned off, the import is still running

If the import checkbox is not checked, the data from the external source for that mapping will not be imported into the ASM database. The synchronization will be completed and the schedule statistics report will include the counts of records that were processed even though they were not imported

AS-3668 84955 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 10.6.8 Information added to a portal request is not populating the HTML field on submission Quality
  • Designer

Information added to Request on custom rich text fields in the SSP were not populating the HTML fields on submission.

Custom rich text fields are now displaying data on the Request submission screen in the SSP.

AS-3669 85005 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 10.6.8 Deleted configuration items display on knowledge article self service page. Quality
  • Linking

Deleted configuration items were displaying as linked CMDB Items on Knowledge Article in the SSP. 

The issue is now fixed, deleted configuration items will not be displayed as linked CMDB Items on Knowledge Article in the SSP. 

AS-3671 85349 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 10.6.8 When you select a Request Type from the CI search field on the Request submission screen, the linked field value doesn't display Quality
  • Designer

When you select a Request Type from the CI search field on the Request submission screen, the linked field value doesn't display

When adding a linked field to a CI description, upon selecting the CI field on the SSP, the linked field value will display.

AS-3705 HERMES 10.6.8 13942 Extended row under request services in SSP request submission screen Quality
  • Designer

Extended row under request services in SSP request submission screen

Issue is now fixed

AS-1106 52679 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 IPK Workflow rule triggers on changing of status when it shouldn't Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

IPK Workflow rule triggers on changing of status when it shouldn't and sends an email notification

In certain circumstances IPK Workflow rules were triggering twice- not as expected, so we have added a new option to repeat a rule in tke IPK Workflow rule screens.

AS-3470 82672 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Wrong dates on Message Template Quality
  • Message Template

In some instances, when adding custom date fields to the Message Templates, upon logging a Call and viewing the Message template, the date/time fields are not correct.

As before, for single recipients the date/time fields will be in the recipient's time zone.

With this fix, the date/time fields for notifications to multiple recipients will be in the sender's time zone unless the notification is generated by the System in which case the date/time will be adjusted to the System Admin/Messaging/Messaging Time Zone setting.

AS-3575 83785 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Assigned Analyst cannot edit a Call activity once it's been added to the Call Quality
  • Activities/Tasks

Inability to use Call Activities because once created the Analyst is unable to action or edit them, only the cancel button is available.

The Assigned Analyst is now able to action and edit the Call activities.

AS-3619 84064 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Issues with portal performance when using Multi Language Quality
  • Performance

Issues with SSP performance when using Multi Language

Improvements have been made to the translation of labels when using Multi Language

AS-3622 83087 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Reduce interval for integration schedules Quality
  • Integration

There have been instances where a considerable number of integrations were affected by a minimum 5-minute delay despite the registry key being set to zero.

The interval for integration schedules was reduced.

AS-3666 84878 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Add checkbox to configure IPK Notification Workflow rule to repeat Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

Each notification rule is only triggered once on every trigger point (on Log/Update, Resolve, Close) in the IPK Notification Workflow

A Repeat indicator was added to allow IPK Workflow rules to be repeated as a customisation for some customers. The setting can be turned on in the DB, it is not accessible via UI.

AS-3670 85296 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Forms do not load for Calls, Requests or Tasks Quality
  • Workflow

Forms do not load for Calls, Requests or Tasks.

When the Forms functionality is enabled in System > System Settings in System Administration, Forms can be created in Designer which are then accessible from the explorer sidebar of Calls/Requests/Tasks.

AS-3725 85538 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Bullet and number list created on Call Template using formatting options are not displaying on the SSP Quality
  • Designer

Bullet and number list created on Call Template using formatting options at the top of the Description box are not displaying on associated Self Service Page.

Bullet and number lists now display correctly.

AS-3726 85537 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Performance issue when cancelling the Call or pressing on the X Quality
  • Performance

Performance issue when cancelling the Call or pressing on the X to close the Call.

A new index was added to speed up the performance.

AS-3727 85535 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Performance issue when switching between radials on the Call forward and bulk Call forward screens Quality
  • Performance

Performance issue when switching between radials on the Call forward and bulk Call forward screens

The control has changed on the bulk forward calls dialog (accessible via the call search) and performance was improved

AS-3728 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Request Escalation and Task Export Search View officer parameters are using the same bit Quality
  • Sys Admin/Config

Enabling or disabling one of "Request Escalation" or "Task Export Search View" settings will do the same for the other setting as they are using the same bit to store their value.

Request Escalation and Task Export Search View Workflow role settings can be saved independently.

AS-3729 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Date Picker labels not translated Quality
  • Localization (ML)

Date Picker labels were not translated.

The issue is now resolved and the date picker labels are translated into the chosen language.

AS-3730 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Security profile names not getting translated in details screen Quality
  • Localization (ML)

Security profile names were not getting translated in details screen.

The issue is now resolved, the security profile name is being translated in the chosen language.

AS-3731 HERMES 10.6.8 13969 Problem description displays blank after The User enters the closure comment and submits it Quality
  • IPK

Problem description displays blank after the User enters the closure comment and submits that. The description field is empty in closure screen.

The issue is now resolved, the description field is populated in the closure screen.

AS-3680 84459 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Date Field Calendar weekdays shift when fields are hidden with a rule Quality
  • Date Picker

When a Screen set in the SSP includes fields hidden based on a rule, deactivating the rule to reveal the hidden fields can cause the calendar weekdays to shift incorrectly, resulting in a display where weekdays are shifted by one day, leading to inaccurate results.

Also it was not working when dates are set in the Call/Request template and for Request Target Date when logging via Service Catalog

The issue is now fixed and the dates are displayed correctly.

AS-3723 85747 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Survey Message template for Call is used regarding of the entity Quality
  • Surveys

When a Request type Survey Email is sent from a request entity whether automated or manual, the Survey Message template for the Call screen set is used. This means none of the Request details is populated on the Email message.

The correct survey message is now used and the Request details are now populated on the Email message.

AS-3750 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Time Zone fields duplicated during upgrade from 10.6.8 Quality
  • Time Zones

Time Zone fields were duplicated during upgrade from 10.6.8.

The duplication issue is now fixed.

AS-3751 85875 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Suggested Knowledge doesn't work in Portal Quality
  • Suggested Knowledge

Enabling "Suggested Knowledge" when creating a Call and inserting information in the description field was not working.

The problem has been resolved, and now, when creating a new Call and providing a description in the description field, the "Suggested Knowledge" will be shown.

AS-3752 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 User Surveys always use the same message template Quality
  • Surveys

The email received for a user survey does not match the message template defined in the survey settings.

The issue is now fixed. The email will now align with the survey message template created in Designer.

AS-3753 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Outgoing Emails are not sending due to exception Quality
  • Email

Outgoing Emails are not sending due to exception, possibly relating to enabling the Multi language settings

The issue is now resolved and emails are processed correctly.

AS-3754 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 Error in Knowledge Bank search when Path column is selected Quality
  • Knowledge

An error is returned for certain Analysts when performing a Admin -> Knowledge Bank Search, when "Path" was specified as a column in the Search. Added column path and clicked on search, able to search the admin -> knowledge bank

When performing a Search with "Path" specified as a column, the Knowledge results are presented

AS-3755 HERMES 10.6.8 14016 [object Promise] value under Suggested knowledge Quality
  • Suggested Knowledge

[object Promise] value was displaying under Suggested knowledge.

The issue is now fixed and now Suggested Knowledge displays "Cannot perform search with only blank fields", as expected.

AS-3711 85523 HERMES 10.6.8 MR APRIL 14054 Extension field from CI loses formatting on the Request screen as it's displaying plain text Quality
  • Designer

Extension fields from CI loose formatting on the Request screen as they are displaying plain text.

Rich Text and Custom Rich text are now linked to single QD fields, for both custom QD and built in.

AS-3712 85580 HERMES 10.6.8 MR APRIL 14054 HTML field does not resize in Designer Quality
  • Designer

HTML field does not resize in Designer because the HTML editor is obstructed by the toolbar.

The editor section was expanded to 300px tall to ensure it gives enough space for editing.

AS-3713 85600 HERMES 10.6.8 MR APRIL 14054 If the Call Status doesn't change, the Chase button is not displaying in the SSP Quality
  • IPK

If the Call Status changes in the Min Minute period that was configured in the settings, then the Chase button is displaying in the SSP, but if the Call Status remains the same, then the Chase button is not displaying even after Min Minutes period has elapsed.

The Chase button is getting displayed in the SSP when the Min Minutes period has elapsed, regardless of the Call status.

AS-3740 85860 HERMES 10.6.8 MR APRIL 14054 Access Report icon to View print report without taking Ownership Quality
  • Print Reports

Currently, when viewing a Call without taking action, the Report icon to Print report is present in the Call toolbar, but not for Requests/Tasks

Report button is always enabled now on the Request and Task details screens

AS-3775 HERMES 10.6.8 MR APRIL 14054 HTML Editor content disappears when it is clicked Quality
  • Designer

In some instances, the HTML Editor content disappears when it is clicked.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3590 84254 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Linked CI from Workflow Templates are not persisting to submitted requests that used the templates Quality
  • Workflow

Linked CI from Workflow Templates are not persisting to submitted Requests that used the templates. When Approvals or other automation is tied to values present on the CI, the workflow will fail.

The issue is now fixed and workflows are working as expected.

AS-3667 84904 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Quick launch function not working as the parameters are being ignored Quality
  • Quick Launch

Quick launch not functioning as expected when attempting to look up a User's MS Office profile. No responses are generated in the test window and nothing occurs once the item is saved.

The issue is now fixed and the lookout parameters are working fine.

AS-3703 84962 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 The time spent field doesn't record the time once validation occurs Quality
  • Designer

The time spend filed doesn't record the time. The issue only occurs after the Time Spent Validation has occurred. Once yellow warning has appeared the next amount is not added to the Time Spent field.

Time entered without validating the field is added to the Time Spent field.

The Time spent field will record the time even when the validation occurs.

AS-3732 84704 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 10.6.8 Global Search in the top right corner of the Portal does not return "Your Organisations Calls" Quality
  • Global Search

Global search in the top right corner of the Self Service Portal is not working as expected when "View Org Calls" is enabled in the Portal roles. The search it is not returning the Call numbers and also it's not returning results when searching text based on description.

The issue is now fixed and global search is working as expected, bringing back the expected results.

AS-3781 86361 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Time stamp is not shown in the Portal Conversation widget Quality
  • Conversation Widget

Time stamp is not shown in the Portal Conversation widget, showing "LLL" instead

The issue is now fixed and the time stamp is displaying the correct date/time values.

AS-3784 86320 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Column filtering is removed upon refreshing the Outstanding views Quality
  • Search

Column filtering is removed when the Calls Outstanding view is manually refreshed by pressing the "Refresh" button in the toolbar. Additionally, the filter is cleared when navigating to another screen and then returning to the Calls Outstanding screen (due to focus auto-refresh).

This behavior will only occur when an ad-hoc search is initiated, not when manually refreshing the Outstandings screen. The filters will not be removed upon navigating to other screens and returning to the Outstanding screens.

AS-3788 86400 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Remove non-xml chars from mail body when sending with EWS Quality
  • Email

Special characters in Outbound emails are crashing the ASM services when using the EWS protocol.

Sending emails that contain special character using EWS protocol now works as expected.

AS-3792 86394 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Filters applied to calls outstanding window are lost when the page is refreshed Quality
  • Search

Filters applied to Calls outstanding window are lost when the page is refreshed.

This behavior will only occur when an ad-hoc search is initiated, not when manually refreshing the Calls Outstanding screen.

AS-3796 86429 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 10.6.8 Extra line breaks in quick solution Quality
  • Quick Solutions

When you apply a quick solution to a Call it inserts the quick solution in the description twice.

The issue is now resolved and aplying a quick solution works as expected.

AS-3801 86530 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Grid widget not rendering correct values Quality
  • Widgets

The widget framework in Core is not behaving as expected.If returned results have more than 5 entries in the list then paging does not scroll to the 6th entry and above. Also sorting does not reorder the results successfully.

The widget framework issue is now fixed and the results are displaying as expected.

AS-3814 86799 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Display Blank Option not saved for dropdown fields Quality
  • Designer

Display Blank Option is not saving in the dropdown. Display Blank option works if the dropdown is required but not if it is conditionally required.

Displaying Blank option works if the dropdown is required On Condition.

AS-3815 86800 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Resolution Rules showing for all connectors, not just the current connector Quality
  • Integration

Resolution Rules showing for all connectors, not just the current connector so it is difficult to differentiate which resolution rule is used for different connectors.

Resolution rules and profile maps are now returned by resource type.

AS-3816 86801 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 1 14083 Data-grid sorting not working properly when Multi Language is off Quality
  • Grid Widget

When sorting a data-grid widget in the portal the rows seem to draw in a random order. Works as expected if Multi-Language is switched on.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-1780 62110 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Email Updates not showing as the User in History Quality
  • Email
AS-1781 62150 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Unable to copy Description when Read Only Quality
  • Copy n Paste
  • RTE Control

AS-3716 85439 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 'Attach' functionality when emailing from a task doesn't work for existing documents that have been attached Quality
  • Attachments

The 'Attach' functionality when emailing from a task does not work for existing documents that have been attached. No attached objects appear in the 'Select objects to attach' list, preventing Users from adding them directly from the Task as you can with Calls and Requests.

When adding attachments to email from a Task, the dialog will now show attachments from the current Task and it's parent Request.

AS-3735 84887 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Auto close doesn't work as the quick description and quick solution do not appear to be recognised Quality
  • Quick Solutions

Auto close doesn't work as the quick description and quick solution do not appear to be recognised. Validation is not working properly for Description or Actions & Solutions.

The issue is now fixed and applying a quick solution with a type mapped closes the Call as expected.

AS-3764 84357 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Updates go out for Note added to the Analyst only, not to the Group despite the call still being assigned to the Group Quality
  • Email

Updates for Note added are sent only to the Analyst and not to the Group, even though the Call is still assigned to the Group when the logged in User who logged the Call updates the Call.

In this scenario, if the Call/Request/Task is forwarded, the email will go to the receiving group or Analyst. If the call is not forwarded, the email will be received by the current Analyst.

The email will not be sent if the person adding the note is the current or receiving Analyst.

AS-3765 85603 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Links work inconsistently Quality
  • Deep Links

External links in ASM Core Rich text editor and HTML editors open within Core instead of in a new window.

External links in the ASM Core Rich text editor and HTML editors will open in a new tab.

AS-3770 86207 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Corrupt Nano Call Indicators & Request indicators on the Calls/Requests outstanding and Workload screens Quality
  • Search

Corrupt Call Indicators & Request indicators on the Calls/Requests outstanding and Workload screens were showing in the Nano interface.

The indicators are now displaying correctly.

AS-3797 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Null dates cause validation issues when timezones are turned off and server time is not UTC Quality
  • Dates
  • Time Zones

Null dates cause validation issues when "Timezones" is turned off and server time is not UTC.

When timezones are not enabled the date is stored in the database as 1899-12-30T00:00:00 and when offset to UTC can end up as 1899-12-29T23:00:00.0000000Z.

The issue is now fixed and dates are displayed correctly.

AS-3798 84927 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Quick search doesn't work when there are 100's of screen sets Quality
  • Search

Task quick search has stopped working in Core due to a SQL error

"some part of your sql statement is nested too deeply".

A change has been made to exclude the deleted Tasks screen sets to ensure quick search works as expected.

AS-3799 82852 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Prevent duplicate reminders Quality
  • Reminders

When setting up a reminder on Calls, the system duplicates the email notification, which appears in both the activity log and the Call history.

The issue is now resolved.

AS-3831 86966 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Bulletin height incorrect on page load Quality
  • Bulletin Board

When creating a bulletin to be displayed on the Self Service Portal it only shows part of the buttons/text and seems compacted.

The bulletins have the correct height and display as expected on the Self Service Portal.

AS-3835 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Physical status of a reopened Request is still remaining closed when the User reopens a Request Quality
  • Workflow

When a User with appropriate Workflow Management Security role permissions tries to re-open a Request, the physical status of the Request is still marked as "Closed".

The issue is now fixed and the physical state is displaying correctly when re-opening a Request.

AS-3837 83634 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 Users are still being kept as members of subscriber groups after their account has been deleted Quality
  • Integration

Users are still being kept as members of subscriber groups after their account has been deleted.

When accounts are deleted from ASM the accounts no longer remain in the subscriber list.

AS-3839 86579 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 SSO login fails when auto import is enabled Quality
  • Authentication
  • Login

SSO login fails when auto import is enabled.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3840 17269 HERMES 10.6.8 MAY MR 2 14159 IPK Status Name was not displaying in the Add Me grid Quality
  • IPK

"IPK Status" Name was not displaying in the Add Me grid.

The issue is now fixed and the "IPK Status" Name is displaying int the Add me grid as expected.

AS-2732 73640 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Issues with cropped values and rendering/overlapping for Closed request summary dashboard in Nano Quality
  • Dashboards

Dashboard rendering issues in Nano.

Issue with 'Closed Request Summary (Units)' Dashboard in Nano.

When trying to select a custom date range, the date fields are overlapped. The date range cannot be selected. The date controls are not rendered correctly and are overflowing on other fields.

Any cards that are placed in the dashboards are cropped and are not rendered correctly.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-2756 73940 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Turn off auto refresh on Search Screens UX and Usability
  • Search

Improvement-Turn off auto refresh function on Search Screens.

In the Admin System Settings page we have added the following options, in order to control the auto-refresh function on screens for different scenarios:

  • Checkbox to turn on Auto-refresh on Search Screens when visible. This setting will be OFF (disabled) by default.

  • Checkbox to turn on/off Browse refresh interval on Search Screens . If on, when the browse refresh interval will be reached, the screens will refresh. For performance reasons, only values of 5 or higher should be entered.

  • Checkbox to turn on Auto-refresh on Outstanding Screens when visible. This setting will be ON (enabled) by default.

  • Checkbox to turn on/off Browse refresh interval on Outstanding Screens . If on, when the browse refresh interval will be reached, the screens will refresh. For performance reasons, only values of 5 or higher should be entered.More details in the updated spec in comments.

AS-3166 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Triangles are getting displayed in the dependency diagram when focus is shifted from dependency diagram screen Quality
  • Workflow

There were some issues in the dependency diagram screen where triangles were only getting displayed in the dependency diagram when focus is shifted from dependency diagram screen. Secondly, when adding a few tasks to the dependency diagram, once the warning message is displayed and upon clicking on the OK button , the focus goes to the Task tab instead of the dependency diagram screen only.

When opening a dependency diagram, adding tasks, taking action on those tasks and then save them, the diagram now shows the triangles as expected and not only when the focus is shifted. For the second scenario, now the focus remains on the dependency diagram only and does not go to the Task tab.

AS-3207 80627 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 When you map a type tier in the quick solution it does not update the type on the Call Quality
  • Quick Solutions

When you map a type tier in the quick solution it does not update the type on the Call.

Upon selecting the right quick solution, the Type is updated for the Call.

AS-3355 81802 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Request Risk is not calculated on partitioned systems Quality
  • Workflow

Request Risk is not calculated on partitioned systems - Displays the error "Cannot find risk with score value associated with x".

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3414 82193 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Inability to change the text inside the counts widgets from capital letters to a standard case in the SSP Quality
  • Designer

Improvement- Add the ability to change the text inside the Counts Widgets from Capital letters to a Standard case in the SSP.

We have added the ability to change the text from Upper Case letters to Lower Case letters for the Counts widget.

AS-3487 81781 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 API integer field not showing data Quality
  • Alemba API

API integer field not showing data from the Yes/No integer fields. For example, when creating a drop-down list field of type Yes/No Integer on the Request screen , it will show correctly in ASM but not in API.

Data from integer/string fields are now showing in the API.

AS-3510 82269 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Attach Incoming Emails as EML files Quality
  • Attachments
  • Email

Incoming Email attachments are handled differently, depending on the protocol configuration from the Email Server details.

The current functionality has all attachments from an incoming email uploaded as "Objects" to the call. A call can be logged via an email with multiple attachments, and then later updated by one or more emails, each with multiple attachments. There is currently no way to clearly identify (in the Attach Object To Call screen) which "Objects" were attachments to which email.

All of the inline images (both in the body of the email and also in the signatures) of the email are also attached as objects in some instances.

Incoming Email Server setting "Add Email as message" -> Relates to attaching the parent email as an "Object" in the "Attachments (Entity Object section)." The rest of the attachments from the email are attached in "Objects" section in their specific format, as mentioned above.

Currently, the different behaviour displayed by the system relates to the scenario when the incoming email has other email attachments in different formats.

Using Microsoft Graph API attaches all of the email attachments of the original message to the call and it does not loop through the nested outlook message and extract the attachments from it. That means that the nested .EML will remain intact and can be downloaded from "Objects" in order to see the contained attachments.

For EWS, IMAP and POP protocols, the "AddAttachmentsFromMessage" function is used, which flattens attachments in nested messages onto the original email. That means that it moves all of the attachments from the attached outlook message to the original parent email and then attaches the nested outlook message as a .HTM file instead of .EML (all the nested emails will be moved to the parent email). The attachments will be added to the Entity in "Objects", without any reference to the specific email they were attached to. The original parent email will be attached as a RAW message in "Objects" and saved as a .TXT file. That means it needs to be converted to an .EML file in order to be opened.

For older versions, some customers have set a trigger on the table to convert these files to an .EML format. Starting in Hermes 10.6.8, a new setting has been introduced "Attach email as message" that converts the file in the .EML format when enabled. Before introducing "Attach email as message" setting, we had the "Attach email as text" setting, the parent email was not attached to the Entity and the attachments from the email will be added to the Entity without any reference.

Besides the conversions to .HTM and .TXT formats that were mentioned above, there is also the .MSG file format, that is specific to the Windows version of Outlook. Neither MS Graph nor EWS expose that file format in any way. The .MSG files needs to be converted to .EML in order to be accessed correctly in ASM.

Incoming Email Server Admin Page changes:

Attach Email as Text and Attach Email As HTML have been removed and replaced with radio buttons:

->Add Email Message as EML Attachment - The default option. It will upload the email as an eml file along with the first level of attachments on the email. It will not loop through .eml or .msg files attached to the email and process their attachments.

->Add Email Message as EML Attachment without Uploading Contained Attachments - This option will only upload the email as an eml file. It will not process any attachments in the email.

What to expect:

This functionality will be applied to all incoming email protocols (IMAP, POP3, EWS and Microsoft Graph).

This change also impacts inline images, in the sense that they will not be included/displayed in the ASM Objects area and history items will not be created for when they are uploaded. Inline images should still be seen in the body of the description or history entry if Preserve HTML formatting in History is enabled.

AS-3736 85806 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Inability to delete the VX flow option in self service portal my option Quality
  • Sys Admin/Config

Inability to delete rows from "My Options". When trying to delete an option in Self Service Portal My option, the system looks to delete it, however once you save and open the screen again it shows back up in the list. Same behaviour applies for when trying to create a new option, it cannot be deleted either.

The issue has been resolved, and now when an option is deleted, it stays permanently deleted.

AS-3771 86209 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 NANO-Adding any of the group fields to the Advanced search doesn't work Quality
  • Search

Adding any of the group fields to the Advanced search doesn't work.

Group fields now work when using the Advanced search function in Nano.

AS-3783 86179 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Linked Multi QD fields don't display the information on the SSP Quality
  • Designer

Linked Multi QD fields don't display the information on the SSP. It shows all the single value QD fields but not any Multi QD fields. There are several multi QD fields on the Service that is created and they are populated correctly when you check the Service in ASM Core. However, when you go to the Portal and re-select that service, it doesn't show the linked field values which are multi QD fields.

Upon logging in the SSP an selecting the relevant service, the linked fields will show the values selected/entered in the Service details screen(where the multi QD field has been created).

AS-3790 86378 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Forward to analyst on forward external screen fails to send to Analyst Quality
  • External Suppliers

When attempting to forward the Call to the Analyst linked to the Contract, on the Forward External Call Screen, an error message is received "The Analyst is not responsible for this Contract. Forward the Contract anyway?". The call leaves the current Analysts queue but fails to be forwarded to the specified Analyst.

Forwarding external to the Analyst responsible for the supplier works as expected, if the Analyst is marked as responsible for the Contract. The Call will be assigned to the chosen Analyst and the Analyst will be able to see/review the Call upon login.

Forwarding to supplier will assign the Call to the external supplier and the Call will be visible in Portal external Incidents.

AS-3800 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Change search fields to pick the first match on enter Quality
  • Search

Improvement- Change search fields to pick the first match on enter.

Search fields in ASM Core, Portal and Nano have been changed to select the first match when Enter key is pressed. Enter key will perform search and display popup and hitting Enter again will select first item. Typing search string will display a popup after the configured number of characters, hitting Enter will select the first item.

AS-3803 86446 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Daily stats not recording logged and closed Calls for the day Quality
  • Search

Daily stats not recording logged and closed Calls for the day.

The issue is now resolved. Daily Stats will show the correct records. If there are closed Calls for the day, the "Closed today" bar column is replaced with "Closed items by IPK status". That means that multiple bar columns will display the closed entities by different IPK statuses.

AS-3811 86514 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Suspend checkbox not unticking when changing the status Quality
  • SLM

In Internal/External/Defer screens, when the analyst selects a status with stop clock enabled, the suspend checkbox is ticked. But when they then change the status (while still in the same screen without navigating away) to one that is not stop clock enabled, the suspend is not unticked.

This fix will untick the suspend status when the analyst changes the Call status to a different status that has stop clock disabled.

AS-3818 86742 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 The custom fields on Nano screens, converted from Core screens, are not converted correctly. UX and Usability
  • Designer

Request and Task detail screens that have custom created text area fields are not converting correctly to Nano when using the Create from service desk button. They are converting as "Extfldv" reference fields.

The issue is now fixed and converting to Nano screen sets that have text area custom fields works as expected.

AS-3820 86456 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Date rule to hide a field based on a condition (that compares a date field to the target date field for the Request) not working Quality
  • Designer

Creating a date rule to hide a field based on a condition (that compares a date field to the target date field for the Request) doesn't work. Field is not hidden on the submission form.

Creating date rules to hide a field based on a condition -that compares a date field to the target date field- works as expected.

AS-3852 87212 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Extra line break in Call description in Portal search results Quality
  • Styling

Adding line breaks in texts at the start of Rich text areas was causing misalignments in some areas of the system.

We have ensured that the white space is always trimmed from plain text so adding extra line breaks in texts at the start of Rich text areas doesn't cause any issues.

AS-3853 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Not able to add more service actions in the catalog promoted items and the up down arrows not working Quality
  • Service Catalog

There was an issue when adding a larger number of service actions in the catalog promoted items page, where Analysts were not able to save all service actions at the same time and the "Up" and "Down" arrows in the page were not working as expected.

The issue is now fixed, all the service actions are saved and the arrows are working as expected.

AS-3854 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 HTML editor image exceeding the designer layout Quality
  • Designer

Adding an image in the HTML editor in Designer will result in the image exceeding the Designer layout.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3873 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Call Types not partitioned on Question Mapping Details Quality
  • Partitioning

Call Types are not partitioned on Question Mapping Details.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3874 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Log request fails if type is not set Quality
  • workkflow

Log Request fails if type is not set when trying to log a Request through a workflow template in a partitioned system.

The issue is now fixed when logging a Request from theSSP, the type field will be pre-populated with the default value.

AS-3875 67868 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Log New Call button on call Linking screen does not automatically link the new Call to the currently open Call Quality
  • Linking

Log New Call button on Call Linking screen does not automatically link the new Call to the currently opened Call.

The issue is now fixed. The New Call button on the Call linking screen automatically links the new Call that is created to the currently opened Call. The parent call linking diagram displays the Child call that got created by using the New Call button.

AS-3876 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Support text filters on forward groups with workload Quality
  • IPK

Improvement- Support text filters on forward groups with workload.

On the Call forward internal screen text filters will be supported with direct search and text filters in it. Text filtering the groups and custom filters bring back the expected results and when enabling the "Workload" checkbox, text filtering can be done on any grid that has the badge filters

AS-3877 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 When using a Quick Solution to close a Call, the Call is not getting updated with the description and solution of the Quick solution Quality
  • Quick Notes

When using a Quick Solution to close a Call, the Call is not getting updated with the description and solution of the Quick solution

When a quick solution is set for closing a Call , the description and the solution are updated along with respective field mapping values.

AS-3878 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Group Audit not working for Name field Quality
  • Audit

Group Audit not working for Name field. When enabling the audit for the Group Name field on the group screen in the Designer:

The New and Previous values are not saved when updating the name of a group.

Enabling the Audit for the Group Name field on the group screen in the designer (for both IPK and Workflow groups) work as expected. An IIS reset is required if changes are made to the access indicator in Designer.

AS-3879 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Inline images added via email are not sent correctly with future emails Quality
  • Email

Email notifications for updates made by the User via email are not displaying the inline images in the body of the email.

The issue is now fixed and the inline images are shown as expected.

AS-3880 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Extra arrow is getting displayed in the Quick solution popup Quality
  • Quick Solutions

Extra arrow is getting displayed in the Quick solution pop-up

A style fix has been applied and the arrow doesn't display in the Quick solution pop-up.

AS-3881 79952 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Checkboxes not displayed correctly when set to medium Quality
  • Designer

Checkboxes are not displayed correctly when set to medium in the Nano interface.

Setting a checkbox to Medium for a Nano screen works as expected.

AS-3882 79853 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Field mapping dropdown overflows container with long names Quality
  • Workflow

Field mapping dropdown overflows container with long names.

The issue is fixed. Field mapping dropdown does not overflow and displays correctly.

AS-3883 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Error in changing the partition in core in question map screen Quality
  • Partitioning

In ASM Core>System Administration>SSP>Question Mapping, upon changing the partition, an error is displayed in the screen.

The issue is fixed. No errors are seen when switching between partitions.

AS-3884 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Quick solutions updates only Type and fails to update other fields Quality
  • Quick Solutions

Upon selecting the right quick solution, only Type is updated for the call but other fields are not updated.

Upon selecting the Quick solution, all the mapped values for Quick solution should be seen in the screen.

AS-3885 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Change autoclose service to compare close time to now instead of service start time Quality
  • Auto Close

Change auto close service to compare close time to now instead of service start time. When Calls are closed by the service the close time was set to the service start time.

This change ensures that the closing time reflects the actual time of closure.

AS-3886 82340 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Analysts can’t configure special working hours for SLA/OLA Quality
  • SLM

Analysts can’t configure special working hours for SLA/OLA. When selecting different matrices, there are column headers that mention OLD. When clicking to add to list, the lines appear blank or X dimension is in read-only mode and there is no edit button on the individual lines so no configuration can be done.

Configuring special working hours for SLA/OLA works as expected.

AS-3887 79536 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 When selecting a mapping in the federated CMDB, the “Mapping” dropdown shows no options Quality
  • Federated CMDB

When selecting a mapping in the federated CMDB the drop down has no options. The Users needs to have either a resource type or group selected to get the mappings dropdown.

When selecting a mapping in the federated CMDB, the “Mapping” dropdown shows whithout having to select a Resource Type.

AS-3888 83886 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 When Manufacturer to Model is enabled. Duplicate models are shown in dropdown. Quality
  • CMDB

When Manufacturer to Model is enabled, duplicate models are shown in dropdown. Issue appears when the unspecified model type (ref 0) is renamed and this results in this particular model type being displayed twice in the list.

Linking manufacturers to Model types doesn't show any duplicates in the dropdown.

AS-3889 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Column filters restored after refresh Quality
  • Search

This item is related to AS-2756

On the Search screens, when applying column filters, upon refreshing the search using the search toolbar button or the main Search button, the search will refresh, but the column filters are not retained. Opening a search result and going back to the Search page will refresh the system but the filters are not persisting in this situation either. The filters should be persistent in both scenarios.

The column filters are now persistent for both the scenarios described previously. On the Search screens, when using column filters, refreshing the search via the search toolbar button or the main Search button will reset the search, and the column filters will be retained. When navigating back to the Search page after opening a search result, the system refreshes and the filters will be persistent.

Column filters will not be restored on initiating ad-hoc searches->closing the search and opening a new one, or reloading the application will cause the filters to not persist.

AS-3890 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Webhook polling not always running on B2 series server Quality
  • WebHooks

Webhook polling not always running on B2 series server. The new service Infra.Services.Integration is configured to run three subprocesses: Webhook polling , Chatbot polling , Knowledge export polling

It is also configured to run up to one process per available CPU Core.

The intention was for sub processes to run only when others were not running but in reality on a 2 CPU core system only two of the processes ever run.

The issue is fixed, all three sub processes are running.

AS-3891 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Service search screen is displayed instead of Request submission confirmation screen due to Service's linked fields in Submission screen Quality
  • Linking

Adding linked fields to service qd field in Request submission screen, has broken the page on hitting submit button. On submitting the request, the expected screen to be displayed is Request confirmation screen. Instead Service search screen is displayed. On selecting Cancel in service search screen - Request confirmation screen is displayed.

Note: This happens to the request submission screen which has this linked fields modification. For other request submission screen which does not have this linked service fields - works as expected.

Adding linked fields to service qd field in Request submission screen works as expected and the correct screen is displayed upon submitting the Request.

AS-3893 HERMES 10.6.8 JUNE MR 14253 Stakeholders enhancement- CC Recipients Quality
  • CC Recipients

Current functionality related to CC Recipients: There is a setting in the Admin>System>Email Server Details called "Add recipients as stakeholders". With this setting enabled in the Outgoing or Incoming Email server, the To and CC Recipients for the outgoing/incoming email are added as stakeholders to the Call.

To include stakeholders in the Call notification thread, the Analyst in Core must manually add them to the email. This requires navigating to the correct Stakeholder Role from the full list of available stakeholders and is not an easy/simple task to quickly add the Call Stakeholders to email notifications.

In this way, email recipients are recorded as "Call Stakeholders" with a role of "Stakeholder". In the current automated email processing setup, ASM currently responds to the sender. The stakeholders can be removed via the Stakeholder section, however, when the email receiver uses the "Reply all" function in the email client, stakeholders would then be automatically re-added to the Call as Stakeholders, we propose to alter the functionality to make it easier to correspond to the Email Recipients.

A new type of stakeholder will be also added for the "Email Recipients" so that Calls/Requests/Tasks Users CC'd via email can automatically be added to the email responses in ASM.

With the current functionality, to include stakeholders in the Call/Request/Task notification thread, the Analyst in Core must manually add them to the email (Complex Process - Requires many mouse clicks and takes too long).

In order to simplify this process, add a new section in the Call/Request/Task Explorer menu under "Communication"> Email All

"Email All" entitles replying to all Stakeholders of type "Email Recipients". This means that that the CC Recipients(and To Recipients that were not the Call Assigned User) will be added automatically to the Send Email dialog window in the CC Recipients section. The Analyst is then able to manually remove any Call/Request/Task Stakeholders they do not want to include in the Email Message.

The Call/Request/Task history has been enhanced to display and include details of CC recipients (and To Recipients who are not the Call Assigned User)in emails.

A new System String Field Called "Call Title" for Calls created from Email will input the Email Subject Line into this field automatically when creating the New Call. A new column CALL_EMAIL_SUBJECT was added to the Call table and is visible in Designer. The display name is Call Title in Designer.

AS-2289 68171 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Downtime Column always displays 0 Quality
  • IPK

Column downtime is always zero but shows downtime in the Call screen.

To avoid confusion, the current Downtime column is renamed to Resolve Downtime. Resolve Downtime is calculated when the Call is closed so will usually be 0 (for reporting purposes). Performing a Call search on Closed/Resolved Calls and selecting this column will display the resolve downtime.

AS-3150 66033 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Only send contract expiry notifications if expiry date is changed Quality
  • CMDB
  • Contracts

Contract expiry notifications are send when a contract is updated.

A change has been made to only send contract expiry notifications if the expiry date is changed.

AS-3290 80959 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Notifications going to the Forward To Group and not the Current Analyst/Group when note added Quality
  • Email

Notifications are sent to the Forward To Group and not the Call Current Analyst/Group when a note is added.

When a note is added, notifications will be sent to the current Analyst/Group, owner of the Call. The notifications will go to the Forward to Group/Forward Analyst only in the situation when the note is added by the current owner of the Call.

AS-3327 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Ability to Reply to Forwarding Analysts Default Group UX and Usability
  • Email

Currently Emails Replied to from ASM where the Send From Analysts Default Group option has been enabled always default to setting the Reply to Address to be the Outgoing Email ID of the Partition (or the Default Outgoing ID if not configured).

End Users are not able to Reply to the emails sent directly from the Analysts Default IPK Group Email Address (if configured). This prevents the ability for individual IPK Groups to work independently (Separate functions within the same Partition).

An admin will be able to configure the Reply To option to be the IPK Group Email ID of the Forwarding Analyst.

A New Checkbox Option per Outgoing Email Server has been added to behave In the same way as ability to pick either the Sent From Analyst OR the Sent From Analysts Default Group options:

It will only use the default group's email address if the following conditions are met:

  • Reply To Forwarding Analyst's Default Group checkbox is enabled on the outgoing email server.

  • Email is sent from Analyst with a default group.

  • The default group has the "Email From Group" checkbox enabled.

  • The group Email field is populated.

If the above conditions are not met, the Reply To value will default to the From value.

AS-3738 17025 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Adding IPK status option to the Survey admin page UX and Usability
  • Surveys

Improvement to the Surveys functionality->Currently you can specify a Logged group/ resolve group OR/AND Organisation as a trigger rule to sent out automatic surveys. With this improvement, IPK statuses could be defined on the Survey Admin Page.

We have added the ability to define IPK statuses on the Admin screen.

A new Relation field with AND /OR values has be added to the screen, under the Organization field.

Another field has been added- "IPK Status", where all the available IPK statuses will be listed. One or multiple statuses can be selected.

The relation field must be enabled to put the IPK statuses into the account.

The following scenarios cover all the possible outcomes on how the criteria can be set.


->Scenario no. 1

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization is not enabled

IPK status has an AND

The survey is going to be sent if the Logged/Resolved group AND the IPK status condition is true.

->Scenario no. 2

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization is not enabled

IPK status has an OR relation enabled

The survey is going to be sent if either Logged/Resolved group OR the IPK status condition is true.

->Scenario no. 3

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization has an AND relation enabled

IPK status has an AND relation enabled

The survey is going to be sent if the Logged/Resolved group AND Organization AND the IPK status condition is true.

All 3 criteria must be met.

->Scenario no. 4

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization has an OR relation enabled

IPK status has an AND relation enabled

The survey is going to be sent if either Logged/Resolved group OR Organization, AND the IPK status condition is true.

->Scenario no. 5

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization has an OR relation enabled

IPK status has an OR relation enabled

The survey is going to be sent if Logged/Resolved group OR Organization OR the IPK status conditions get true.

Any of the 3 criteria can be met to trigger the survey to be sent.

->Scenario no. 6

Logged/Resolved Groups are defined

Organization has an AND relation enabled

IPK status has an OR relation enabled

The survey is going to be sent if Logged/Resolved group AND Organization OR the IPK status condition is true.

AS-3761 85685 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 KB Document Import to support Images UX and Usability
  • Knowledge

Improvement: KB Document Import to support Images.

In core enable the document import from System Admin -> Knowledge Bank - > Knowledge document import

Start the document import service from Windows services.

The expected result is that a Knowledge Article will be created with html that was created from the word document and Images will be displayed in the abstract of the KB Article.

AS-3782 86092 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Error message when fields are not filled on the form Quality
  • Error Handling

An error message gets displayed when fields are not filled on the form.

The form does not return you to the top of the page/validated fields to show the error message that fields need to be filled out, the page stays at the submit button, confusing Users.

When a user submits the form, it will scroll to the top of the page and display an error message if any mandatory fields are left blank.

AS-3832 85594 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Configured scheduled calls to be generated on weekdays only are generated on a Sunday Quality
  • IPK

Configured scheduled Calls to be generated on weekdays only are generated on a Sunday.

Weekday schedules Calls will not run on the weekend days.

AS-3833 86789 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Chase and escalation feature does not save email recipients Quality
  • Chase and escalation

Chase and escalation feature does not save email recipients unless partitioning is enabled.

Chase and Escalation Recipients -as configured in System Administration>Self Service Portal Settings (Partitioned)- are now saved on non partitioned systems as well.

AS-3834 86938 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Integration issue with attachments created via inbound emails. Quality
  • WebHooks

Issue with the integrations whereby attachments created via inbound emails (e.g. where a user replies to an email and includes an attachment) are not being sent across the integration via the webhooks. The webhooks for these actions are showing as "Action Added To History" rather than "Object Attached".

"Object Attached" action type was set in the email in service. Attachments created via inbound emails are now being sent across the integration via the webhooks.

AS-3843 84513 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Timesheet view not working as expected Quality
  • Timesheets

Timesheet view is not working as expected. When you open the timesheet view, it is not showing the total time for Tasks or Calls, plus it is showing Tasks and Calls with zero times even though the filter options 'Show tasks with zero time' and 'Show calls with zero time' is deselected. If the filters are amended, then it loads properly.

The view will return the correct information on first load, without having to apply filter/refresh. 'Show tasks with zero time' and 'Show calls with zero time' works as expected.

AS-3847 87146 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 NANO- Time Spent field on Tasks not working as expected Quality
  • Timesheets

Nano- Time Spent field on Tasks not working as expected. Time spent values are not recorded properly. Time spent field is recording min/sec format. Upon checking the Timesheets in Core, it does not reflect the amount that has been entered from Nano.

Time Spent field on Tasks is now working as expected. Time spent values are recorded correctly. When logging in ASM Core to view Timesheets, the item displays the amount that has been entered from the Nano interface.

AS-3848 86957 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Escalation button not consistent in Calls and Requests UX and Usability
  • Chase and escalation

Escalation button not consistent in Calls and Requests. Escalation Icon does not display in review mode. This is not consistent with Escalation on Calls which does display in review mode.

We have changed the behaviour to allow Request escalation without taking action. The Escalation icon will be displayed in the toolbar.

AS-3850 87007 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Option to unlink child KBs UX and Usability
  • Knowledge

Currently, we have the ability to cascade KB Articles from Parent to Child Calls (if a link is added to the Parent Call, the updates are propagated automatically to the Child Calls as well when the "Add me- Automatically Update Child Calls" setting is enabled in the Admin IPK Setting)

When the "Add me" functionality is used on the SSP, the system will use the clone function and will clone the item with all the details, including any linked Knowledge articles.

Any knowledge links added to the Parent Call after the Add me functionality is used don't get added/linked to the Child Call, but they will shown in the list on the SSP under the Knowledge Article section.

Parents KB Articles have been made available for viewing in the Portal/Notified via Email but the KB Article is not actually linked directly to the Child Call. In the SSP, there is an icon displayed next to the KB Article when the linking is done from the Parent Call.

Because the KB is not directly link for the Child Call, the Knowledge articles are not getting displayed in ASM Core for the Child call in the history (but they do show in the Call Explorer menu under Resolution>Linked Knowledge entries where they could be unlinked from the toolbar if necessary). The linked knowledge article information is not shown in the Child Call's history but it does show in Parent Call history.

At the moment, when we remove the linked KB from Parent Call, the KB will still be showing in SSP on child Call in the KA section (without the icon displayed next to the KB Article) if the Article was linked before the Add me functionality was used to create the Child Call. If the articles are added to the Parent Call after the Add me functionality is used and the Child is created, upon unlinking from the Parent entity, the knowledge articles will be removed altogether from the KA Section on the SSP.

When "Automatically Update Child Calls" setting is enabled in IPK settings and in IPK Roles->In the Link Knowledge entries page, upon removing linked KA from the Parent Call by using the "Unlink" button in the toolbar, a pop-up message will be displayed to ask confirmation on unlinking the Knowledge articles from all the related Child Calls as well as from the Parent-> "This Knowledge entry is currently linked to Child Calls. Do you want to unlink the Knowledge entry from all the Child Calls? -Yes -No ."

When choosing the "No" option, it deletes the KA only from Parent and not from Child Call, when choosing "Yes" it deletes the KA from both Parent and Child Call.

When "Automatically Update Child Calls" setting is disabled in IPK settings and in IPK roles -> When deleting the KB article from the Parent Call in ASM Core, the KA only gets deleted from parent and not from Child Call.

This symbol icon in the Child Call informs that the KB article is from the Parent Call.

AS-3855 80707 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Closure of Child Calls doesn't automatically email the customer unless Email User is selected UX and Usability

Closure Email to Child Calls does not get automatically sent to the Child Call Customers unless Email User is selected when closing the Parent Call.

When the Analyst selects the Email Attached Customers checkbox then the emails will be sent to the Customer of each Child Call as well regardless if Email User enabled on the Parent. If the Workaround has been selected to be copied to child calls, this must be done first so that the latest workaround can be included in the email templates being sent to the Customer of the Child Calls.

AS-3856 86505 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Time gap between Call logged and submitted on the SSP Quality
  • System

In certain scenarios, there is a time gap between Call logged and submitted on the SSP. This is due to the creation of the Service order attached to the Call, which will only be cleared down following a session expiry.

The correct date and time are now being displayed for Call submitted, Call ready to submit, Request submitted and Request ready to submit.

AS-3865 84965 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 New requests are picking up the Request custom profiles 2 field from the unspecified partition, even though the Requests are created in a different partition Quality
  • Workflow

New requests are picking up the Request custom profiles 2 field from the unspecified partition, even though the Requests are created in a different partition.

The issue is now fixed and the Request show the correct values.

AS-3867 87259 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Hide Conversation widget and Chase button on Closed Calls on the SSP Quality
  • Close Call

Users are currently able to chase and add notes via the conversation widget even when the Call is closed.

Users are no longer able to chase and add notes via the conversation widget when the Call is closed.

Users will still be able to add a note to Resolved Calls. Chase functionality will available to End Users on Calls in a resolved state.

Users will be able to add notes in the conversation widget in the Nano interface to a Closed Call/Request.

AS-3869 87336 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Inputting specific months/days these aren't calculated correctly on Contracts Quality
  • Contracts

It is difficult to correctly select a date range for Contracts as the system forces the User to input the date as months/days. Some date ranges are impossible to set. When trying to set the start date, it also sets the expiry to the same date. When trying to to update the expiry date, it resets the start date to match. When trying to input specific months/days, these aren't calculated correctly.

The automatic calculation of start and end date was removed.

->Setting Start Date and End Date

Start Date: Will be set to the start of the day.

End Date: Will be set to the end of the day.

->Making Period Fields Read-only

The fields representing the period will be non-editable by the Users.

->Calculating Periods

The period fields will be calculated based on the difference between the start date and end date.

AS-3894 87263 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 When Urgency is set to read-only the incorrect value is stored on the Call Quality
  • Designer

Read-only fields are not submitted. When trying to "lock in" values using Read only fields, that is not submitted when the Call is, as the system ignores these values.

Creating rules applied to the Read-only fields work as expected and the values are submitted.

AS-3896 87143 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Outgoing emails only supports a single "Reply-to" Address Quality
  • Email

Outgoing emails only supports a single "Reply-to" Address. The mail service is not designed to support this configuration.

The Reply-To address is explicitly set on all outgoing emails. By default it uses the email address of the sending mail server. When "Reply to Forwarding Analyst" is enabled the reply-to address is set to the sending users email address.

It was designed this way with the assumption that the mail server can send on behalf of anyone (subject to mail server permissions) but can only receive from a single address.

Some customers have set up separate incoming email servers in ASM. They have one outgoing email which is set to send from group, however when the Users reply, it is picking the first incoming email server, which for some Users may not be correct.

The tickets are updated correctly as the Incoming email server works but is confusing for end users to have the "wrong" email address added in to the response when sending a reply.

A new setting has been added to outgoing email server named "Reply to From Address".

When enabled, the server will set "Reply-to" to "From" address for all emails.

The existing "Reply to Forwarding Analyst" must be disabled when the new setting is enabled.

Admins must to ensure that replies can be accessed by ASM. Using either proxy addresses for a single mailbox or multiple incoming email servers.

AS-3898 87472 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Limit type by IPK Status not working in the Portal Quality
  • IPK

Limit type by IPK Status not working in the Portal.

Enable Limit Type by IPK Status - Menu>Admin>System Administration> IPK Management>IPK Settings. Limiting Types by IPK Status under IPK Settings are not filtered according to the configuration when a Call is logged in the SSP.

Call Types in Portal were changed to use limit Type by IPK Status. Enabling Limit Type by IPK Status under IPK Settings and configuring limiting Types now works as expected.

Types are filtered according to the Admin settings when logging a Call in the SSP.

AS-3900 87269 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Portal bulletin board orders by creation date and not by priority Quality
  • Bulletin Board

Portal bulletin board are ordered by creation date and not by priority.

If a new high priority bulletin is added, it is displayed at the end of the list rather than the beginning.

The Portal Bulletin boards will be ordered by priority. When there are one or more of same priority - it sorts by created date.

AS-3912 58939 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 When changing the column order in View Timesheets the new order is not being retained Quality
  • Timesheets

When changing the column order in view Timesheets, the new order is not being retained upon closure and reopening. The order reverts to previous and adds a new column named "primary key" in place. 

When changing the column order in View Timesheets, the new order is will being retained upon closing and reopening the page. The "primary key"column is no longer visible.

AS-3914 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Change stakeholder role for Analysts added via Email IPK Group Analysts Quality
  • Email
  • Stakeholders

When a call is forwarded to IPK group and if the IPK group is set to EMAIL ANALYSTS, the analysts receive individual email. These analysts are currently being added as stakeholder of the call with role "Email Recipient".

The expected behaviour now is to add these analysts with "Stakeholder" role instead of "Email Recipients" role.

AS-3915 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Copy and paste image from Word doc - fails in Portal Quality
  • Copy n Paste

Copying an image from a Word document and paste it in the description area of Call in Portal fails.

The issue is fixed and copying and pasting an image in the description area of a Call in the portal now works as expected and the image is displayed.

AS-3916 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Index out of range exception when a connector error occurs Quality
  • Connector Builder

When an error occurs processing a connector the exception is written to the activity log. Some customers are seeing an exception when this occurs.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3920 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Change text trimming to support SQL 2016 Quality
  • Install/Upgrade

Support SQL 2016

To support customers who are still using unsupported versions of SQL Server. We will revert this support starting the 10.6.9 Release, only supporting SQL 2019 and later.

AS-3921 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 14288 Calls not updated by Dev Ops connector Quality
  • AD/LDAP Connector

Calls were not updated by Dev Ops connector.

Creating/Updating a Call works in both directions between ASM and Devops.

AS-3931 88049 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 2 14313 String fields are getting truncated UX and Usability
  • Designer
  • RTE Control

Affected Releases -

When text values contain trailing spaces, valid characters can be removed from the start of the text in search results.
For example "5 working days taken out of allowance " is displayed as "king days taken out of allowance ". The underlying data is not affected.

This issue has been resolved so that text is not truncated at the begining of the String Values.

AS-3934 86456 HERMES 10.6.8 JULY MR 3 14325 Date dropdown closes on click when there are conditional rules on the page UX and Usability
  • Date Picker

When using the date picker in a portal screen where any conditional hidden or required rules exist, the date picker dropdown element will close each time a segment of the date or time is changed.Because of this, if the Date & Time picker is used in Analogue mode the clock is never displayed.

This issue only affects portal forms where a date picker is used, the display mode of the field is set to "Date & Time" and there are conditional rules on the form.Note that the default display mode for date fields is "Date"

This has been fixed so that the Time is displayed properly for the Analogue Clock and valid entries can be selected.

AS-3269 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Contract report title is incorrect Quality
  • Print Reports

The title is not correct when generating a contract report.

The issue is now fixed and contract report title is displaying correctly.

AS-3275 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Upgrade failed due to command timeout Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

Command timeout while executing install-create-constraints-fulltext-indexing.xml during the upgrade process.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3909 82463 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Nano workload screen the 'common indicators' column shows a numeric value rather than a symbol Quality
  • Search

Nano workload screen the "common indicators" column shows a numeric value rather than a symbol.

The issue is now fixed, the column "Common indicators" displays the correct symbols.

AS-3917 84297 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Remove Nano-In task search the 'template' filter option Quality
  • Search

Nano Interface->In Task search the 'template' filter option doesn't include component template tasks and therefore these get displayed with regular tasks.

We have removed the template option from all advanced searches in the Nano interface.

AS-3918 87765 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Persist workload view settings in Nano Quality
  • Search

Improvement->Persist workload view settings in Nano for Calls, Requests and Tasks

The filter toggle was changed so it always be opened by default.

We have added support for persisting the selection of dropdowns and checkboxes for each User.

Updated the Nano Outstanding view screens for Workload, Call, Request, and Task to retain User settings between sessions. By default, the filters are now set to be visible upon the initial load, allowing Users to toggle them closed as needed.

AS-3923 87875 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Menu in Administration jumps at times instead of returning to the place you opened a new screen from when you close the old screen Quality
  • Sys Admin/Config

The menu in Administration sometimes jumps to a different position instead of returning to where you were after closing a screen.

The explorer was refreshing inconsistently before and would scroll to the selected item after the selected page had loaded. This caused complex timing issues.

After this change, the selected page will open and the explorer will not scroll.

The selected tab and expanded sections will be remembered when you close and reopen Admin (or other pages).

AS-3935 88069 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Tooltips are not working on certain fields UX and Usability
  • Designer

Adding tooltips on text area fields in Designer not working as expected.Tooltips are not working on text area type of fields.

Upon hovering over the text area fields, the tooltips will display the information.

AS-3936 88087 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Outstanding views - Column widths and filters and sorting are not retained UX and Usability
  • Search

Column widths and filters and sorting are not retained - Outstanding views.

After this change, filters will be retained when refreshing the screens, but not when reloading ASM or after logging out and logging back in. However, sorting and column resizing will persist across refreshes, ASM reloads, and logging out and back in.

For Saved Searches, the filters, column widths, and sorting will be retained in all scenarios, including refresh, ASM reload, and logging out and logging in.

AS-3937 88110 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Save / Submit buttons are not working in Portal/shopping card UX and Usability
  • Designer

When a Request is saved ( not submitted), after reopening the Request, there is no longer a Submit option available in the screen. However, pressing the Save option actually submits the Request. This is happening in the SSP interface, when using Shopping Cards/Catalog options.

When saving a Request for later, it is not submitted immediately. When reopening a saved Request, the options to Submit, Save, or Cancel appear. When pressing on Submit, the Request will be submitted.

AS-4368 88249 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 10.6.8 Filter rules not applying on Multi Select - Configuration Item list fields Quality
  • Designer

Filter rules not applying on Multi Select - Configuration Item list fields. Filter rules work on Single search in this scenario. Filter rules work for Multi Select User list and Services list. So this bug is limited to CIs.

A change was made to show the filtered items in the Multi select control and now the filtered data is showing in the Multi Select CI fields when applying filters using rules.

AS-4374 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Linked Multi Select field don't display the information on the SSP Quality
  • Designer

Linked Multi Select field don't display the information on the SSP, where the values that are selected in ASM Core are not properly highlighted in the SSP.

Upon logging in the SSP an selecting the relevant service, the linked fields will show the values selected/entered in the Service details screen(where the Multi Select field has been created).

AS-4375 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Contract warning pop up appears for review mode as well Quality
  • Contracts

Warning pop-up message is displaying in review mode, which is not required: "Warning. Contract Details may have changed. If you continue, any changes you have made will be lost. Do you wish to continue?"

The issue is now fixed and the warning message is not displaying anymore in review mode.

AS-4376 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Deprecate Add to Calendar button in Call Defer Quality
  • IPK

On the Call Defer screen, enabling Reminder checkbox and clicking on the add calendar button doesn't do anything.

Add to calendar button was removed from the Call Defer screen. This functionality will be re-added in a future release.

AS-4377 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Call QD not working on request when calls partitioned and requests are not Quality
  • Search Fields

Call QD not working on Request when Calls partitioned and Requests are not. Issue appeared in 10.6.6 in ASM Core, when the Analyst has access to a partition where there is no Call logged yet. The value showed in the Call QD field is "[object Object]", which is wrong.

The new change will display the actual error from the API, i.e

AS-4379 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Cloned call with SLA stopped, does not start upon save Quality
  • SLM

When cloning a Call with the SLA clock stopped, the SLA clock should start upon saving the cloned Call.

The issue is now fixed. If the original Call has SLA clock stopped, then the cloned Call will have the SLA clock started upon saving the Call.

AS-4380 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Nav menu doesn't always load when ML is enabled Quality
  • Localization (ML)

The Navigation Menu in the SSP sometimes doesn't load upon reloading the page. This is happening in the scenario when Multi Language is enabled.

The issue is now fixed. Upon navigating to different screens, the menu items are displayed properly.

AS-4381 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Date picker labels translated twice Quality
  • Localization (ML)

Date picker labels are getting translated twice in the Language screen in ASM Core.

The date labels get displayed twice in the Language screen in ASM Core, one for the label, the second one for tooltip but it is getting translated only once.

AS-4382 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Translation doesn't work for sub-locales. e.g. pt-br Quality
  • Localization (ML)

Translation issues for languages that have a hyphened language code in the Languages page in ASM Core (e.g. Portuguese-Brazil with the code pt-br, etc.) Any language the had a "-" in the Code was not being translated before.

The issue is now resolved and the labels are getting translated for languages that have a hyphened language code in the Languages page in ASM Core.

AS-4383 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Styling issues on RTE in conversation widget Quality
  • Styling

The border outline of the Rich text editor has square corners instead of rounded ones.

The styling issue is now fixed.

AS-4384 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Cookies cleared when clicking Ok on timeout dialog Quality
  • Browser Support

When clicking ok on the timeout dialog, the session is directed to the logout page and the cookie is cleared.

This happens even if you have already logged in again in another browser tab which means you can mistakenly terminate your own session when using multiple browser tabs.

Previously the cookies were deleted when clicking Ok on the session timeout message, now they are not.

AS-4385 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Error creating bindings for system 2 Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

An error occurs during the install process for system 2 when using a valid SSL certificate and Max Age setting for HSTS in seconds > 0.

The issue is now fixed and the installation will be successful for the second system.

AS-4386 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 WF Template Task Link to itself Quality
  • Workflow

When creating the WF Link on the Task it was initiated from, it creates a link that is very difficult to select to remove and also prevents the Task from being deleted.

The issue is now fixed and it's no longer possible to link to the same Task.

AS-4387 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 SLM Tracing source missing Quality
  • SLM

SLM Tracing to Activity Log setting needs to be enabled in the System settings. SLM Tracing source was missing upon checking the Event source "SLM Tracing" in the Activity Log Page in ASM Core.

The issue is fixed. SLM Tracing source is displayed in the Activity Log Page in ASM Core.

AS-4388 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Email Event Connector to display body of email in history Quality
  • Integration

Improvement-Provide updated Email Event connector to be able to display the body of the Email received as a History item.

When the email event connector creates or updates Call, it will now add the body of the Email to the Call history:

AS-4389 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Linked Mult QD field doesn't work in ASM Core Quality
  • Designer

Linked Mult QD fields don't work properly in the ASM Core interface.

Upon logging a Request in ASM Core and selecting the service that has the linked multi QD values, the values will get displayed as expected.

AS-4390 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Filters not persisting on Timesheets view after refresh Quality
  • Timesheets

Filters are not persisting on Timesheets view after refresh.

Filters will persist when clicking on refresh but not upon closing and reopening the Timesheet view.

AS-4392 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Add option to serialize images inline in API Quality
  • Alemba API

Add option to serialize images inline in API

This enhancement is to allow Users to request images to be embedded within the response in base64 format. This reduces the need to make a separate API call to retrieve images in the rich text fields.

AS-4393 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Screen upgrade only works on system 1 Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

System parameter missing from invocation of screenupgrade.exe

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4394 HERMES 10.6.8 AUGUST MR 14379 Error when updating SSO certificates Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

Error when updating SSO certificates. Not working because of a syntax error in the SQL query.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-611 51783 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR External Resources do not show Hardware/Linked Items Quality
  • Federated CMDB

In the external resources for a hardware item in the SCCM connector, it does not show the Hardware or Hardware linked items in ASM (like it used to do in v. 9 vFire).

The issue is now fixed. When migrating the controls from v9 to v10, the external resource views were not included in the FED CMDB tree view. The data exists but the control did not display that the resource view contained children.

Ready to release
AS-1289 55128 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Message Subjects not visible Quality
  • Email

The email subjects aren't being assigned to the email template when adding a new template. When attempting to select a subject, the dropdown only displays subjects linked to the base task, and none associated with other screen sets appear.

When creating a new message template and adding a subject in the message editor within the message map, mapping the template and selecting the appropriate message map will ensure that the message subject is saved and displayed.

AS-1578 38645 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Service Outages show deleted Service Actions Quality
  • Availability

Service Outages show deleted Service Actions, so deleted items are not excluded when a new outage is created.

The issue is now fixed, the outage window is not showing the deleted item.

Ready to release
AS-2523 70043 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Logging a new Request after using the Copy/Paste buttons from another prompts to fill in mandatory fields and Date/Time field is flagged Quality
  • Copy n Paste

When using the copy-paste function for Requests, all details, including mandatory date/time fields, are copied. Upon submitting the pasted request, the date/time field, marked as mandatory, is flagged as incomplete even if a value was copied.

The issue is now fixed and working, all details are copied, including the mandatory date and format.

Ready to release
AS-3144 79246 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Prevent ALT+S key events on Send Email Quality
  • Email

Prevent ALT+S key events on send email. When moving focus away from the email dialogue box and returning focus, the window refreshes and any edits are lost.

The issue is now fixed.

Ready to release
AS-3390 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR MAPI still visible in Hermes when adding Incoming or Outgoing Email Servers UX and Usability
  • Email

MAPI still visible in Hermes when adding Incoming or Outgoing Email Servers.

The MAPI option is no longer visible when selecting the type of Email server to create.

Ready to release
AS-3592 16647 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR "Follow" items via Stakeholder Roles UX and Usability
  • Email
  • Followers

This feature aims to improve Stakeholder management, streamline the communication process via email and provide stakeholders with better visibility over relevant Calls/Requests/Approvals.

Desired functionality

This functionality will enable Analysts in Nano and Users in SSP to manage Followers (add or remove) for Calls, Requests, Approvals directly from their respective submission/detail screens.

->SSP Users: Users with appropriate permissions can added or removed as Followers using a multi-search field on the Call/Request submission screen.

->Nano Analysts: Analysts can add or remove Followers using a similar multi-search field on the Call/Request details screen.

->Core Functionality Extension: The same multi-search field for managing Followers will also be available on Core screens for Calls, Requests, and Tasks.

User Experience

Users will select Followers by searching and clicking on names from a list. Selected names will appear under the "Followers" field. Users can remove a Follower by clicking an "X" button next to their name in the Followers list.

Adding/Removing a Follower after the Entity is created

After a Call or Request is created, Users may need to add themselves as a Follower to stay informed about updates or approvals related to the Call/Request on the SSP.

->Users can click the "Follow" button located on the right side of the Call Review screen in the SSP to start following the item.

->If a User decides they no longer need updates, they can click "Unfollow" on the right side of the Call Review screen in the SSP to remove themselves as a Follower. The same unfollowing action can be performed directly from the Incident/Request/Approval Summary screens by pressing the "Unfollow" icon in the grid.

->For Users who were added as Followers during the creation of the Call/Request, the button will display "Unfollow" when they review the item.

Follower Management and Visibility in SSP

Allow Users to view Calls, Requests, and Approvals where they are assigned the Follower role in the Self Service Portal (SSP). Permissions for Analysts in Nano will inherit Core permissions.

Stakeholder Management->Enable the "Manage Stakeholders" option for Users with the appropriate role to:

->Search for and view Incidents, Requests, or Approvals where they are assigned the Follower role.

->Access Call details, including a read-only Call history and conversation history.

-> Followers can also Chase the call on behalf of the assigned user to the call, with appropriate permission are applied.

->Add or remove themselves from following a Call.

This option applies to Calls, Requests, and Approvals.

Once added via Designer, The Followers QD field will be available for everyone in the screens, but only the Users with "Manage Stakeholder" permission turned on will be able to follow, be added as a follower and view the respective entities.

"Manage Stakeholders" Role Overview-Own, Org, and All Calls/Requests.

->The followers will be able to see Calls/Requests/Approvals according to their permissions in the Self Service Portal Roles.

->Own Calls/Requests: Limited to user’s own activities.

->Org Calls/Requests: Access to organization-level activities.

->All Calls/Requests: Full access to all levels.

->Partial Follower: Access limited to specific activities, e.g. only Calls

->Non-Follower: No follower access. "Manage stakeholders" checkbox is disabled for all entities.

The stakeholders with the role of Follower will only be able to view the Call and see the Call history. The conversation history will be displayed in a read-only mode. They will only have the ability to add or remove themselves from following the Call. Followers can also Chase the call on behalf of the assigned user to the call.

Buddy Bubble and My Counts

We have introduced a distinct Followed Calls/Requests/Approvals bubble under the Buddy Bubble feature within "My Counts".

By pressing on the "Followed Calls" bubble, the Users will navigate to viewing the Followed Calls/Requests/Approvals in a grid format.

The bubble background colors are configurable via the Counts widget, Skins in Designer.

Bubble Behavior:

My Incidents Count: Displays and drills down into the User's own Calls/Requests.

Followed Calls Bubble: Displays count and drills into Calls/Requests/Approvals where the User is a Follower.

Awaiting Action Bubble: Shows Calls in Awaiting Action statuses, as configured in System Administration > IPK Management > Call Status Titles.

Unfollowing in a gridview

We included an "Unfollow" indicator in the grid, which Users can toggle to unfollow an entity directly from a grid format.

Searching the Followed entities

In the Review Past/Current Incidents/Requests/Approvals Users will be able to search for Calls, Requests, or Approvals where they are Followers using a dedicated search filter, by pressing on the Followed radio button.

We had also added a new radio button for Incidents/Items Awaiting Action, displaying entities with statuses defined as "Awaiting Action" in System Administration > IPK > Call Status Titles.

Followers Notifications

In Admin/IPK Workflow rules/IPK Notification rules recipients can be added for logging/update/etc.

Same for adding recipients to the User approval tasks as "Request No/Stakeholder (Role: Follower)".

The Followers will also be reflected in the Email CC section when sending an email for the entity that they are following.

The Call stakeholder role name can be changed via System Admin/IPK Management/Call Stakeholder Roles but the "System" checkbox cannot be unchecked, as it is a system setting AND via System Administration>System Titles.

AS-3648 85585 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Locations appear as a count of the Organizations they are referenced against in all Search results Quality
  • CMDB
  • Search

The list of unique locations is not visible, and attempting to clear the list results in the deletion of the entire Location record. What seem like duplicates are actually single records. Locations appear as a count of the Organizations they are referenced against in Search results.

Locations will be properly recognized as individual records and will no longer appear as duplicates. In Search results, Locations will be accurately referenced without counting the Organizations they are associated with, maintaining a clear distinction between Locations and Organizations.

AS-3802 86072 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Add option to suspend the Request from a Task Quality
  • Suspension & Reminders

Add option to suspend the Request from a Task

We have moved "Suspend Tasks" option from Preview Features to the Security Role>Workflow Management Tasks Section and also added an additional setting to "Allow Suspend Request from Task".

With the existing functionality, when "Suspend Tasks" is enabled, the "Suspend" checkbox will be available in the Task Defer screen in order to suspend the Task and stop the OLA, if the "Auto stop clock on Agreement Suspension" is enabled in the OLA Agreement Details page.

In order to suspend a Request from a Task, we have added a new checkbox called "Suspended Request".

When selected, this will suspend both the Request and the associated Tasks. The Request SLA clock will be stopped.This option will only be available in the screen if "Allow Suspend Request from Task" is enabled.

We also fixed an issue where Tasks where not showing as suspended in the Workload view so now all active Tasks that are suspended can be viewed in the "Suspended" view Workload section.

AS-3819 85956 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Auto unsuspend calls and start SLA on User Update UX and Usability
  • IPK

Currently, when "User Updated" is enabled in the System Administration>Call Status Titles, when an update is made to the Call via email or SSP, it will automatically change the status to the one defined in the User updated column. That means that if a Call Status is flagged for this column then any User driven updates to Calls via the Portal will have the Call Status changed to this value.

It actions on all updates on all Calls, therefore we are missing the granularity/flexibility in terms of configuring changing to multiple statuses on User updates and not just the one configured in the column for only one status.

If a Call is suspended, the suspension typically will stop the clock on the SLA and we are missing the option to auto-restart the SLA on User update.

We have add the ability to configure the status change when the User Updated functionality is used.

The current status of the Call, set in the first column, will be evaluated by the system when changing the call’s status during a user update. To maintain the same call status, the same status can be selected in the user update status column. Similarly, if the “User Update” checkbox is not enabled, the call will retain its status for updates made by the user through the SSP or via email.

e.g.: All Calls that have the "In Progress" status now will have the status "User updated" after the user does an update via email or the SSP.

All status titles are configurable per customer, allowing different names to be customised. The statuses configured by the customers will be present in the” User Update status” dropdown. The wireframe serves as a visual example.

We've also enhanced the Service Level Agreement functionality of the tool to automatically unsuspend an SLA on corresponding Open Calls when the Call is updated by the customer via email or the Self-service portal. Resolved and Closed calls will not be affected by this enhancement.

When the checkbox "Start Clock on Unsuspension" is enabled, if the Call is suspended, when the User updates the Call via email or in the SSP by adding a note/attachment, it will automatically unsuspend the Call and start the SLA clock. The "Start Clock on Unsuspension" will be evaluated against the new status set after the update so make sure to have the checkbox enabled for that particular new status set.

AS-3824 70081 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Implementation profiles not updating when Implementation state changes on Task Quality
  • Activities/Tasks

Every Implementation State should have a range of associated Implementation Profiles but none are found.

The Implementation Profiles will be set based on the Implementation State on Task screens.

Ready to release
AS-3826 85389 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Add options for assignment on reopen by email UX and Usability

Add a new option for assignment on Reopening of Calls by email for more granularity

We have added a new option to the Email In server details screen to forward calls that are reopened to the default IPK Group specified.

AS-3828 86840 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Not being able to manage Incoming emails for Request and Tasks UX and Usability
  • Email

Improvement: We have added the "Update Closed Tasks/Requests" option to the Email server details screen. Previously, this functionality was only available for enabling or disabling updates for Calls, but not for Requests and Tasks.

When the update checkbox is enabled, a note is added to the Request and Task and the history is updated. When the checkbox is disabled, no note is added, and the history shows no entries.

AS-3906 87571 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Ability to have the Send email checkbox enabled by default on Task Forward Screen Quality
  • Email

Currently, there is no setting that allows to have the "Send email" checkbox on the Task Forward screen enabled by default.

We do have a setting "Email Optional at Forward" (IPK Management Section) to make the send email checkbox enabled or disabled by default in the Call Forward screen.

In System Administration>System>Messaging we added 2 new checkboxes under the Workflow Management section "Email Optional at Forward" and "Pager optional at Forward".

If the new settings are checked, the Analyst will have the option to check/uncheck Email/Pager on the following screens:

  • Task Forward

  • Task Bulk Forward

  • Request Forward

  • Request Bulk Forward

If the new settings are not checked, the Email/Pager checkboxes will be checked by default and the Analyst will not have the option to uncheck Email/Pager on the 4 screens mentioned previously.

AS-3926 87878 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Tabs don't load correctly when cloning to KA on the Incident logging form Quality
  • IPK

Tabs don't load correctly when cloning to Knowledge Article on the Incident logging form (<> Symbol appears and you have to press <> to get the Actions and Solutions). This is an intermittent issue that happens when doing other combination of buttons, not just when cloning to Knowledge Article.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4359 87720 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Graph drill down doesn't work Quality
  • Graph
  • Search

Graph drill down doesn't work. In one example, ghe drill-down either doesn't navigate anywhere at all or drills down to a completely different organisation when sort by organization to the graph view and view the search using Graph view is used.

We have updated the graph control to set the drilldown column so that it return the correct values.

AS-4360 87904 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Tabs don't render correctly if loaded while hidden Quality
  • UX

When opening 4-6 Calls in the "Call Outstanding" section in review mode at the same time, only the last call displays the Actions and Solutions panel correctly, while the headings for all other Calls only appear after clicking the arrows.

The issue is now fixed and tabs render correctly if loaded while hidden, resulting in displaying the Actions and Solutions panel correctly.

AS-4361 87927 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Tab click doesn't work first time when RTE is focused Quality
  • UX

Tab click doesn't work first time when RTE is focused. When you scroll to the bottom of the screen and place your cursor in the text box, you must click on "Actions and Solutions" twice for the focus to shift, which only occurs when the scroll bar is at the lowest position and the text box is clicked.

When scrolling to the bottom of the screen and placing the cursor in the text box, a single click on "Actions and Solutions" will immediately shift the focus without requiring a second click, regardless of the scroll bar position.

AS-4364 88107 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR ASM Services create tmp files every few minutes daily Quality
  • Install/Upgrade

Running ASM and its services under service account (AD) seems to be creating a tmp file every few minutes of every day.

The issue is now resolved.

AS-4365 88275 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR When logging a ticket via the portal using the Risk_ref field Calculated values is showing the correct value in Core but not in Nano Quality
  • Workflow

When logging a ticket via the SSP using the Risk_ref field Calculated values is showing the correct value in ASM Core, but not in the Nano interface.

The issue is now fixed and the calculated values are showing correctly in the Nano interface for Requests, as long as the existing default field is used.

AS-4371 80505 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Restrict/Allow Users to approve their own Requests Quality
  • Workflow

Add a new setting in the System Admin>Self service portal role>Workflow management> checkbox "Approval User of Own Request"
Add a new setting in the System Admin>Workflow Management security role>checkbox "Approval User of Own Request"

AS-4372 88423 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR NANO- Imp Start date not validated upon changing the Imp end date in the past Quality
  • Designer

In Nano if you select IMP END date to a date in the past, it does not change the IMP START date, the same as ASM Core does.

Nano IMP START and IMP END dates will behave the same as they do in ASM Core, when initializing one or the other then the other should also be set to the same value. If the IMP Start is set to later than the IMP End, then the End should be set to the same, if the IMP End is set to earlier than the Start, then the Start should be set to the same.

AS-4373 87239 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Logging a Call and adding an Attachment changes from New to User Update status Quality
  • IPK

Logging a Call and adding an Attachment changes from New to User Update status when User Update functionality is used.

Adding an attachment when logging a Call from the SSP and submitting that Call, does not change from New to User Update status. The Call has the status New.

Logging a Call through email with attachment also works as expected, the Call status is New.

Fixed under AS-3819

AS-4391 88526 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Option to tick E-mail Forum is greyed out when adding a note to a Forum Quality
  • IPK

When you add a note to a forum, the option to tick E-mail Forum is greyed out even though there is an active forum assigned to the Call, e-mail is enabled, and the e-mail option against the members of the forum is ticked in both the Forum and against the Call.

Email Forum checkbox should now be selectable if there is a Forum.

AS-4401 87657 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Dependency criteria rules list uses cached group names Quality
  • Workflow

In the dependency criteria rules list from Task/Approval available conditions page the rules don't get updated, in the sense that the group names don't get updated after a change. Also, the Update rule button doesn’t work. When pressing on the button, it duplicates the same values.

The issue is fixed. Reviewing the condition on the conditional task in the dependency criteria list will display the updated group name values.

AS-4402 87967 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Remove option to apply masks on text area fields in the SSP Submission screens Quality
  • Designer

Text area fields on the SSP Submission screens, which have a minimum requirement of 4 characters, still prompt users to fill them in even when the field contains valid data with more than the required characters. This issue occurs when content is copy-pasted from HTML sources.

We removed the option to apply masks on text area fields in the SSP Submission screens from the Screen Designer.

AS-4403 88189 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Error when searching the Know Issues and unchecking the Abstract option on the SSP Quality
  • Search Fields

In SSP > Self Help > Known Issues: Clicking "Search" with no results, followed by clicking "Search" again to access advanced search, and then unchecking the "Abstract" checkbox triggers an error.

The issue is now fixed and unchecking "Abstract" is no longer causing an error.

AS-4407 88096 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Saving a Call with no values being changed results in a blank entry added to the history Quality
  • IPK

Saving a Call without making any changes results in a blank entry being added to the history if the "Actions & Solutions" field is not mandatory.

When saving a Call, if there isn't any value in the "Actions & Solutions" field, it will not show the bubble box where the text would normally appear.

AS-4408 88627 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Setting a Call to repeat "Yearly" displays the frequency as "Don't repeat" in the Scheduled Calls and Requests screen Quality
  • Request Scheduling

Setting a Call to repeat "Yearly" displays the frequency as "Don't repeat" in the Search screens.

When setting the frequency of a scheduled call to "Yearly", the frequency column of the grid now displays "Yearly" for that Call.

AS-4409 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Core Call Activities UX and Usability
  • Activities/Tasks

Currently, activity items for Calls can be created, functioning like a checklist. Analysts can close activity items as they complete them, ensuring the correct process is followed and enabling better tracking of call progress.

We made improvements to allow Analysts to follow a structured processes using activity checklists and close activities efficiently from both grid and detail views. With reusable activity lists and enhanced filters like "Show Closed" and "Show Everyone's," the system offers better organization, clarity, and usability.

Please see details of improvements and relevant screenshot examples in the Expected behaviour section:

The Call Activities link has been removed from the Call Links. Call Activities have transitioned from a static page to a widget, and the "Add New Activity" button has been relocated from the toolbar into the widget.

Call activity filters have been updated to "Show Closed" and "Show Everyone's."

Previously, closing an activity was only possible from the Call Activity Details screen and the toolbar. Now, activities can be closed from both the activities grid view and the details view.

Two new columns are added dynamically based on the call activity status (Open or Closed).

The "Add Activities from List" button and the "Activities List" dropdown are only visible if activity lists have been defined in the admin settings; otherwise, they remain hidden.

Owning officer changed from a dropdown into a Search field.

AS-4415 88256 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Improve deleted group management Quality
  • IPK

Improve deleted group management

We have added a "Show Deleted" checkbox to the IPK Groups and Workflow Management Groups Admin pages:

When selected, the table refreshes to display deleted groups.

Upon opening a deleted group, a message will appear, giving the Admin the option to restore it:

AS-4427 88707 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR System Task Information section flash as it loads, then disappears Quality
  • Workflow

The System Task Information section briefly flashes on the screen as it loads, displaying the content momentarily before disappearing completely. This happens when tables are marked as hidden.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4439 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Unchecked email recipients still receive Messaging Task notifications Quality
  • Email

Unchecked Email Recipients still receive Messaging Task notifications. The checkbox should control if the email will be sent/not sent (when unticked) to the Recipients.

The issue has now been fixed and unchecked Email Recipients will not receive Messaging Task notifications.

AS-4441 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Changing partition after save in Admin causes ASM Core to load in Admin Main section Quality
  • Partitioning

Changing partition after save in Admin causes ASM Core to load in Admin Main section, so it is duplicated.

After the change, when changing the partition after saving a previous selection, the Admin main section is not duplicated or loaded again.

AS-4442 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Widgets break when showing 3 of 8 bulletins Quality
  • Widgets

SSP widgets break on the homepage when displaying three or more bulletins, specifically when the bulletin item count is changed from two to three or more in the Designer.

The issue is now fixed and the widgets display correctly.

AS-4443 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Add history ID to webhook payload to improve sequencing of history Quality
  • WebHooks

We are now adding the history record ref (or history order in terms of tickets) to the InfraEntityAction object. This means we can add the history ref to the webhook payload.

If a history record exists for the action, then it will add the ref to the payload using the ActionHistoryId property. Examples below:

The ActionHistoryId ref can then be used to retrieve the history item via the Alemba API. Eg. api/v2/call/404/history?$select=Order,ActionTitle,ActionDescription&$Filter=Order=18

This functionality only applies to Calls, Requests and Tasks at the moment. The ActionHistoryId property will not be added to the "ObjectAttached" action, but should be added to the corresponding "ActionAddedToHistory" action.

AS-4444 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR PDF viewer search dialog layout is broken Quality
  • PDF Viewer

While logging a call in Core and attaching objects like a document, the eye icon appears, and clicking it opens the PDF (Document) viewer.

Clicking the search in the PDF viewer reveals a search popup that does not fit the screen, causing the match case checkbox to extend beyond the popup.

The number of findings for the searched word is not displayed. Although the Analyst can use the back and forward arrows to navigate through the document with the findings, the total number of matches for the searched term are not visible between the arrows.

The issue is fixed, the PDF viewer is now displayed correctly.

AS-4445 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Date fields don't load in User Survey form Quality
  • Surveys

When trying to complete the User survey from Chrome/Edge, the date fields don't load and data input is not possible.

ohe issue is now fixed and the date fields are working as expected on the User Survey form.

AS-4447 HERMES 10.6.8 SEPTEMBER MR Profile and Search fields not populated in the Call Search criteria on drilldown from graph Quality
  • Search

Profile and Search fields not populated in the Call Search criteria on drilldown from graph.

This is related to AS-4359 and the issue is now fixed.

AS-4448 88205 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Unsubmitted Calls are included in the Search Quality
  • IPK

There have been instances where Unsubmitted Calls appear in the Submitted Search, either through the General Search or the Calls Outstanding view. This issue may be related to scenarios where a blank Request submission form, containing required fields, can be submitted in the Portal (e.g., during shopping cart processing).

When managing the Shopping cart on the SSP, if any of the orders are incomplete, then the shopping cart will be re-displayed. The entire Order will be submitted only if all of the forms have been completed.

Unsubmitted calls are no longer visible in 'Submitted' Call Search.

AS-4452 89111 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR When trying to add a custom colour to level 3 SLA alert level , he screen window cuts off the apply button as has no way to apply the colour Quality
  • UX

When trying to add a custom colour to level 3 SLA alert level , the screen window cuts off the apply button and the Analyst is not able to apply the colour.

The issue is now fixed, the column colour picker works as expected.

AS-4497 89143 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Survey emails from all partitions are being sent out via the default Outbound Email server Quality
  • Email

Survey emails from all partitions are being sent out via the default Outbound Email server. The survey is sent based on the email servers' partition, regardless of the entity's partition. For example, if Calls are partitioned and a Call is created in the IT partition, but the email server is configured with the HR partition, the survey will be sent using the HR partition.

The updated behavior ensures that the partition of the call is used when sending the survey, rather than relying on the partition of the email server.

Ready to release
AS-4503 89303 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Unique field functionality allows setting the same value in the unique field and saving when cloning Quality
  • Cloning
  • Designer

When setting a Unique field and cloning the item it allows setting the same value in the unique field and the item can be saved.

The issue is now fixed. the Screen validation on the cloned item and a unique value needs to be inserted.

AS-4715 87785 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR The survey does not send unless the action count is greater than 3 Quality
  • Surveys

The survey does not send unless the action count is greater than 1, so it is not triggering for Calls logged and resolved on first contact.

The issue is now fixed and the survey is sent for situations when the Call is logged and then resolved on first contact by an Analyst in ASM Core.

Ready to release
AS-4718 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Unable to delete multiple recipients from Lists Quality
  • Workflow

On the Task Forwards screen, when the "Multiple Recipients" option is selected, attempting to delete a multiple highlighted recipients from the Recipients List does not work after deleting the first one. Only one deletion is allowed at a time. To delete additional items, you must return to the Main screen and then navigate back to the Forward Task Internally screen.

Deleting multiple groups or recipients should be possible in a single session on the Forward Task Internally screen without additional navigation.

AS-4719 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Risk calculation doesn`t work if enabled using Yes/No radio buttons Quality
  • Calculated Fields

NANO- Risk calculation doesn`t work if enabled using Yes/No radio buttons. Screen designer is inconsistent when changing calculate setting.

The issue is now fixed and the risk calculation works as expected when selecting the risk calculator configuration is set to Yes/No.

AS-4720 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Click through from tasks not working in grid widget Quality
  • Grid Widget

Click through from Tasks not working in grid widgets. Double clicking on a raw in the grid does not open the Task.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4721 89520 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Support knowledge to Call linking using rest API Quality
  • Alemba API
  • Linking

Added support for CRUD operations for links between Knowledge Base (KB) and Calls, and vice versa.

The existing knowledge-call endpoint in Hermes will be deprecated and replaced with a new API named call-to-knowledge-link (DB table: CL_KB_REFER).

Purpose: Displays and edits data added to a Call via the "Linked Knowledge Entries" explorer option.

New Endpoint for Knowledge Links: Introduced a new API named knowledge-linked-item (DB table: KB_LINKED_OBJECT).

Purpose: Displays and edits data showing the knowledge articles linked to items (URLs and Calls), accessible via the "Calls" and "URLs" explorer options.

Access Control Filters: Both APIs include filters to ensure records appear only if the analyst/user has access to both the Knowledge Article and the Call.

AS-4722 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Disable rapid fail protection on all app pools by default Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

Rapid fail protection is used by IIS to manage load balanced systems.

If a number of unhandled exceptions occur within a specific time frame IIS will stop the app pool. A load balancer could then redirect traffic to another server. We don't normally have a load balancer and ASM can normally recover from these exceptions by itself.

We will disable rapid fail protection in the settings for all ASM app pools by default. Rapid fail protection disabled on all app pools during installation.

AS-4723 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR Upload/download resx appearing in language admin Quality
  • Multi Language

Upload/download resx appearing in Language Admin.

Download Resx and Upload Resx buttons are not visible anymore.

AS-4724 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER MR All widgets fail to render if one breaks Quality
  • Widgets

All widgets fail to render if one breaks.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4888 89713 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Creating filter rules based on unticked checkboxes not working Quality
  • Designer

Filter rules for checkboxes only validate for True, <> TRUE or = False rules return "No Matches". The checkbox will only validate true, making it impossible to create filter rules based on unchecked checkboxes.

The issue is now fixed, the filtering rule will work correctly regardless of whether the checkbox is ticked or unticked. We are now able to create the "IsNull" clause to return the records for the entity that existed before the field was added to the screen.


Ready to release
AS-4893 89436 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER 2 MR Nullable object must have a value error when selected html field via API Quality
  • WebHooks

Extension fields were not sent correctly via the API, therefore couldn't be used in the Webhooks. Adding a custom rich text field to the Call, resetting IIS, and attempting to send the new field via Webhooks results in a QueryException with the error: 'Nullable object must have a value"

The issue is fixed and confirmed as working for various Extension field types (i.e. Text area fields, True/False dropdown, Dates, etc.)

AS-4899 88363 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER 2 MR Updating ElapsedMinutes via API doubles up the Time spent value Quality
  • Alemba API

Updating ElapsedMinutes via API doubles up the Time spent value. When a Call gets updated via API with the Action's ElapsedMinutes, the Time Spent gets doubled up, e.g when sending 2 minutes Time spent on the Call, the Time spent shows 4 minutes.

Updating the Elapse time through API works as expected and the Time Spent is calculated correctly.

AS-4936 89958 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER 2 MR Approval User of Own Request setting in the Portal role doesnt work Quality
  • Appovals

"Approval User of Own Request" setting in the Portal role does not work for an User only profile and when the Request is raised from the SSP, resulting in a failure in approving the User approval.

"Approval User of Own Request" checkbox now works as expected. When the settings is enabled, both Analyst/User and User only profiles can approve or reject the User's own Request.

AS-4940 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Support Call, Task, Request history search via API Quality
  • Alemba API

Improvement- Support Call, Task, Request history search via API

New API endpoint to get the history of all Calls, Requests or Tasks:


New action type can be viewed in the API explorer:

The permissions will be based on existing IPK or Workflow Roles.

An optional query string parameter was added to include system actions. This will be named showSystemActions.

The new API will not return private history entries for portal sessions.

AS-4941 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Update Remove Stored Procedures Lifecycle Management
  • Stored Procs

Update Remove Stored Procedures

Changes have been applied to the following Store Procedures, to improve their performance as part of the new purge service to be released in the Hermes December MR:


AS-4942 HERMES 10.6.8 OCTOBER 2 MR Select=* in the API not populating Extension fields Quality
  • Alemba API

Select=* in the API not populating Extension fields

When request is sent via API to return all fields for a Call, the top 20 Extension fields are included now.

AS-4949 83113 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Ascending/Descending in graph options view doesn't work Quality
  • Graph

Ascending/Descending in graph options view doesn't work.

Performing descending sort in the graph options view now works as expected.

Ready to release
AS-4950 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Inconsistent validation in Call Activities Quality
  • Activities/Tasks

Inconsistent validation in Call Activities that shows an orange toast notification instead of normal field validation.

Validation now consistently displays a red border around fields and labels when an error occurs, ensuring uniform behavior across our product.

AS-4951 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Tasks Outstanding showing inactive tasks when they are suspended Quality
  • Search

There was an issue where Tasks Outstanding was showing inactive Tasks when they were suspended. This was happening when the Request was suspended from another active Task in the workflow.

The issue is now fixed, inactive Tasks are no longer shown in the Task Outstanding view.

AS-4953 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Suspended tasks still show in Workload search Quality
  • Search

When suspending an active Task using the "Suspend" checkbox, the active Task is getting listed both in Outstanding and Suspended Views in Workload. The issue is not reproducible when using the "Suspend Request" checkbox, in this situation, the Task will only be displayed under Suspended View in Workload.

The issue is now resolved. When a Task is suspended by using the "Suspend" checkbox, the item will only be displayed under the Suspended View in Workload.

AS-4977 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER MR Prompt to remove pending orders when hiding shopping cart Quality
  • Preview Feature


When enabling the "Hide Shopping Cart" option it will prompt the Analyst to warn that any unsubmitted service orders will be deleted.

If the Analyst continues, these service orders will be flagged for deletion and the Core Service will pick these up and delete them (along with the service order items and calls/requests linked to them).

AS-4979 88069 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Core Tooltips not working Quality
  • Designer

We implemented a fix undeR AS-3935 for the SSP interface to address tooltips related to text areas. There are still text area in the Core interface where toolips are not displaying information.

Tooltips for all text areas in the Core interface should display the relevant information when hovered over or interacted with, ensuring consistency and providing the user with necessary guidance.

Ready to release
AS-4990 88176 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR When opening calls using the 'HR Overpayments' or 'Contract Services' screen set the screen gets stuck in a loop and keeps trying to reload Quality
  • Performance

When opening calls using the 'HR Overpayments' or 'Contract Services' screen set ,the screen gets stuck in a loop and keeps trying to reload. This is happening when when the Type field has 'No default value' checkbox enabled in Designer and then the Call screen tries to reload twice upon selecting the type in the Type field.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4992 HERMES 10.6.8 NOVEMBER 2 MR Knowledge search not working due to a typo in a SQL query Quality
  • Knowledge

Knowledge search not working due to a typo in a SQL query.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-5032 88284 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Data Purge Service Compliance and Certification
  • Archive/Purge Date


The new Data Purge Process introduces a two-step mechanism to manage record deletion securely and efficiently. This feature helps ensure compliance with data retention policies, such as the right to be forgotten, while maintaining flexibility for System Administrators.


->Ensures compliance with data retention policies.

->Minimizes system impact by scheduling purges outside of business hours.

->Provides flexibility with manual overrides and delay options.

->Enhances traceability through detailed auditing.

Important notes

The default retention period and delay settings can be modified in System Administration as per organizational requirements.

Ensure appropriate access controls for the new Data Admin role to maintain data security.

Entities covered: Call, Request, Task, Asset, Service Order, Person, Organisation, Location, Contract, Agreement, Knowledge, Bulletin.

This process leverages a new Windows service built using the existing Alemba.Services.Core NuGet package and introduces new features for automation, auditing, and manual management:

1.Two-Step Purge Process

Step 1: Flagging Records

Records identified for deletion are flagged with a purge date.

Step 2: Purging Records

Records flagged for purging are deleted when the purge date has passed.

This process is configured to run outside of ASM Core working hours, specifically on weekends (Saturday to Sunday).

2. The Background process: New Windows Service

A new Windows service has been added, utilizing the existing Alemba.Services.Core NuGet package. The service runs two background tasks:

Purge Scheduling Service Task: Identifies records for purging and sets a purge date.

Purge Service Task: Deletes records where the purge date has passed.

3. Additional Components

Purge Search: Enables identification of records with a set purge date.

Purge Delay Process: Allows delaying the purging of a record for additional processing time.

Manual Purge Process: Allows Administrators to manually flag records for deletion, supporting the right to be forgotten.

Note: Once a record is manually purged, it cannot be undone.

Auditing: Logs all purge actions for compliance and traceability.

4. System Administration Updates

System > Auditing: New Data Purge Options

Data Retention Period (Years): Defaults to 7 years.

Delay Period (Days): Defaults to 30 days.

General Access Security Role> A new Data Admin role is available.

Users with this role can view the Purge and Purge Delay buttons on applicable entity detail pages.

When enabled, the user can see the purge and purge delay buttons on applicable entity detail pages.

Usage Instructions:

Automated Purge Process:

Records are flagged for purging based on retention and delay periods, as set in the options in the Auditing page in System Administration. The purge process runs automatically on weekends. Records marked with a purge date are deleted if the date is in the past.

Manual Purge:

Authorised Users with the Data Admin role can manually flag records for purging and can also manually delay the purge if necessary.

Warning: Once manually purged, records cannot be undone.

Authorised Users can delay purging via the Purge Delay button to extend the retention period for flagged records.

For both options, the purge occurs during the weekend outside of ASM Core working hours, when the purge service runs.

AS-5033 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Logging Service Actions very slow on first click Quality
  • CMDB

There were instances reported when a delay of 10-12 seconds is reported intermittently when a Service Action is opened.

The issue is now fixed and the service catalog seems to be running much faster.

Ready to release
AS-5034 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Download icon does not work when there is only one attachment Quality
  • Attachments

When the KB article has only one attachment and upon trying to download it through Download icon from KB review mode (Search Knowledge - click review icon from search result for the above KB article) - Download icon does nothing.

The issue is now fixed and Analysts are able to download attachments from KB articles.

Ready to release
AS-5073 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR ASM Analytics Administration BI & Analytics
  • Bold BI
  • Dashboards

1.The current behaviour allows us to Configure Syncfusion Classic Dashboard server with the Admin/Dashboards/Dashboard Server Settings.

2. In the Core and Portal dashboard role we can give access to the Syncfusion Classic Dashboard Server and its designer. We can also enable security on which categories (and its dashboards) we allow users to see.

  1. The Dashboard Server Settings is moved under the Admin/Analytics menu item:

On the Analytics Settings page we have the option to create a new Syncfusion Classic Dashboard Server configuration page OR to create a new Bold BI site configuration page:

The Syncfusion Classic Dashboard server configuration page did not change.

2. Dashboard Management Role for Core and Nano is change to be able to handle the Bold BI sites too:

The list of configured servers/sites are listed and you can give access to each sites/servers.

The security checkbox is removed, however the functionality is remained. By selecting at least one category will enable the security globally.

We also added a new column to the category list, 'Site name'. This will give you information about the origin of the Category.

Ready to release
AS-5074 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR We still display the description ( not the category name) in some cases - Syncfusion dashboards +Bold BI BI & Analytics

When a dashboard in the Syncfusion Dashboard Server has no value recorded for the dashboard’s Description, the Name of the dashboard is used in the ASM menu drawer and the label for the tab displaying the dashboard in ASM. However, any dashboards that have their Description populated in the Syncfusion Dashboard Server, is displaying that Description value as:

  • The name of the dashboard in the listing of Dashboards in the ASM menu drawer; and

  • The title of the tab in ASM when the dashboard is being displayed.

Displaying the Dashboard Title always in Core, Nano, Portal.

Ready to release
AS-5075 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR When a field is hidden and required - validation rules stop form submission. Quality
  • Designer

Issue with conditional fields in Core and Portal Interfaces.

Use case: Core and SSP-Submission screens - Hide a date file on condition, mark it as mandatory and enable 'disable past date'.

Scenario 1: The date field is not left blank (contains a value)

Portal behaviour : If a past date is selected in a mandatory date field, and a condition hides the field, the form still validates the date field against the "disable past date" rule. Validation errors are triggered, but the field is hidden, so users cannot see the error or know how to resolve it.

Core Interface: Same behavior as the Portal. Validation errors are triggered for the hidden mandatory date field if it violates the past date rule.

Scenario 2: The date field is left blank (mandatory but hidden based on a condition)

Core Interface: Displays an error because the hidden mandatory field is left blank due to the conditional rule. If the field is mandatory but hidden unconditionally, submission is blocked entirely, as no errors are displayed to guide the user.

Portal: No error is displayed when the mandatory date field is left blank and hidden based on a condition. The user can submit the form without fulfilling the mandatory requirement.

This inconsistent behavior across Core and Portal interfaces raises the need for confirmation on the correct handling of hidden mandatory fields.

Hidden Fields: When a field is hidden by rules, the attribute hidden-field="true" should automatically be applied to it.
Validation Rules: Mandatory rules, past-date restrictions, and any other validation logic should only be evaluated when the hidden-field attribute is not set to true.
Field Types: This behavior should apply consistently to all types of fields (e.g., date fields, text fields, dropdowns, etc.), ensuring uniform handling across the Core and Portal interfaces.

Ready to release
AS-5077 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Widgets don't load when refreshing Portal page with F5 Quality
  • Widgets

At times, API requests are sent using the default client ID instead of the correct one. This results in an authentication error because there is no active session for the default client ID.

The client ID is determined by a script using the hidden SessionType value. However, this occasionally fails because the script runs before the page has fully loaded.

The issue is now fixed. Authentication.ts should ensure the correct client ID is recalculated after page load if a fallback value is initially used. Upon clicking F5 in portal the Users can see the widgets load, they are able to navigate using menu items and avatar is loaded correctly.

Ready to release
AS-5082 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Wrong theme used after cancelling Service Order Request Quality
  • Skins Designer

After logging into the portal via portal.aspx?portal=asm_10_default, when a User clicks on "Accessibility Document Request" from Promoted items and cancels the Request, they are redirected to the Home page, but it appears with the IT skin instead of the correct theme for the default portal.

Upon canceling the "Accessibility Document Request," the User should be redirected to the Home page displayed with the correct default portal theme that matches the asm_10_default configuration.

Ready to release
AS-5090 84843 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Prevent past date selection Quality
  • Dates
  • Designer

Improvement->Prevent past date selection in ASM Core, Portal and Nano

A new checkbox, "Disable Past Date," has been added to date fields in the Designer.

When this setting is enabled for a date field, the entered value is validated to ensure it is not in the past—i.e., the date value must not be earlier than the current date (and time, if it’s a datetime field).

If a past date is entered, an error message will be displayed prior to submitting the screen (not immediately upon selecting or entering the date), similar to the validation behavior for mandatory fields.

Ready to release
AS-5094 HERMES 10.6.8 DECEMBER MR Required and hidden fields prevent form submission in the portal Quality
  • Designer

Required and hidden fields prevent form submission in the SSP. When a field is configured to be both conditionally hidden and conditionally required, and the conditions for both are met, attempting to submit the form results in a validation error for the required field, even though it is hidden.

The issue is now fixed.

Ready to release
AS-5104 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Suspended checkbox not showing expected value for Tasks in Workload search Quality
  • Search

"Suspended" checkbox not showing expected value for Tasks in Workload search in certain situations, depending on if "Suspended" Tasks is used or "Suspended Requests" is used in the Task Defer Screen.

The issue is fixed and now "Suspended" checkbox is showing the expected value for Tasks in Workload search.

AS-5106 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Service Catalog Performance Quality
  • Performance

Service Catalog Performance

1.Always create workflow in background for Portal Request Submission

There is a system setting that, if it's enabled, will allow the system to complete workflow creation in the background. It can take a longer time to create complex workflows and this setting was designed to reduce waiting time for end Users in the Portal.

2. Changed Request cancellation so it is processed in the background

We've improved the Request removal process so that the web service set the Requests to a to-be-deleted state and then the Core service will remove those Requests at a later time.

3. We've improved the speed of the submission by adding new service task named CallDeleteService to the Core service.

AS-5107 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Excessive memory usage by Auto Close service Quality
  • IPK Workflow Rules

Excessive memory usage (high CPU usage) caused by Auto Close service when IPK Auto close rules are configured.

The issue is now fixed. When configuring a rule which matches a high number or Calls, for .e.g. more than 100 Calls, the Calls will be processed in at least 2 batches.

AS-5108 91000 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Unsubmitted workflows showing in Core under submitted searches, with column "Submitted" = "Y" Quality
  • Workflow

Unsubmitted workflows showing in Core under submitted searches, with column "Submitted" = "Y".

The issue is now fixed and the unsaved orders will not be visible.

AS-5111 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY MR Infinite loop when Type Unspecified and Link Type/Stream/Status to Call Screen Set enabled Quality
  • IPK

Missing mapping for Type 0, Stream 0, and Status 1 causes an infinite reload loop as the system attempts to load Screen Type 6 but defaults to 7, triggering the logic repeatedly.

The issue is fixed and the form loads correctly.

AS-5115 HERMES 10.6.8 JANUARY 2 MR Install error when Nano Search module is not selected Lifecycle Management
  • Install/Upgrade

If the Nano Search module is not installed, the installer attempts to disable the search indexing service, fails because the service is missing, and stops before starting the web services.

The installer should check if the search indexing service is installed before attempting to disable it, allowing the installation to complete successfully, including starting the web services.
