ASM Hermes September MR Release Notes

Release Date

Wednesday 9, October 2024

There are no New Features in this release. September MR- Improvments
Dev Ref ASM Ref Name Initiative Category Current Behaviour New/Updated Behaviour Behaviour
AS-4443 Add history ID to webhook payload to improve sequencing of history Quality
  • WebHooks

We are now adding the history record ref (or history order in terms of tickets) to the InfraEntityAction object. This means we can add the history ref to the webhook payload.

If a history record exists for the action, then it will add the ref to the payload using the ActionHistoryId property. Examples below:

The ActionHistoryId ref can then be used to retrieve the history item via the Alemba API. Eg. api/v2/call/404/history?$select=Order,ActionTitle,ActionDescription&$Filter=Order=18

This functionality only applies to Calls, Requests and Tasks at the moment. The ActionHistoryId property will not be added to the "ObjectAttached" action, but should be added to the corresponding "ActionAddedToHistory" action.

AS-4409 Call Activities UX and Usability
  • Activities/Tasks

Currently, activity items for Calls can be created, functioning like a checklist. Analysts can close activity items as they complete them, ensuring the correct process is followed and enabling better tracking of call progress.

We made improvements to allow Analysts to follow a structured processes using activity checklists and close activities efficiently from both grid and detail views. With reusable activity lists and enhanced filters like "Show Closed" and "Show Everyone's," the system offers better organization, clarity, and usability.

Please see details of improvements and relevant screenshot examples in the Expected behaviour section:

The Call Activities link has been removed from the Call Links. Call Activities have transitioned from a static page to a widget, and the "Add New Activity" button has been relocated from the toolbar into the widget.

Call activity filters have been updated to "Show Closed" and "Show Everyone's."

Previously, closing an activity was only possible from the Call Activity Details screen and the toolbar. Now, activities can be closed from both the activities grid view and the details view.

Two new columns are added dynamically based on the call activity status (Open or Closed).

The "Add Activities from List" button and the "Activities List" dropdown are only visible if activity lists have been defined in the admin settings; otherwise, they remain hidden.

Owning officer changed from a dropdown into a Search field.

AS-3828 86840 Not being able to manage Incoming emails for Request and Tasks UX and Usability
  • Email

Improvement: We have added the "Update Closed Tasks/Requests" option to the Email server details screen. Previously, this functionality was only available for enabling or disabling updates for Calls, but not for Requests and Tasks.

When the update checkbox is enabled, a note is added to the Request and Task and the history is updated. When the checkbox is disabled, no note is added, and the history shows no entries.

AS-3819 85956 Auto unsuspend calls and start SLA on User Update UX and Usability
  • IPK

Currently, when "User Updated" is enabled in the System Administration>Call Status Titles, when an update is made to the Call via email or SSP, it will automatically change the status to the one defined in the User updated column. That means that if a Call Status is flagged for this column then any User driven updates to Calls via the Portal will have the Call Status changed to this value.

It actions on all updates on all Calls, therefore we are missing the granularity/flexibility in terms of configuring changing to multiple statuses on User updates and not just the one configured in the column for only one status.

If a Call is suspended, the suspension typically will stop the clock on the SLA and we are missing the option to auto-restart the SLA on User update.

We have add the ability to configure the status change when the User Updated functionality is used.

The current status of the Call, set in the first column, will be evaluated by the system when changing the call’s status during a user update. To maintain the same call status, the same status can be selected in the user update status column. Similarly, if the “User Update” checkbox is not enabled, the call will retain its status for updates made by the user through the SSP or via email.

e.g.: All Calls that have the "New" status now will have the status "In progress" after the user does an update via email or the SSP.

All status titles are configurable per customer, allowing different names to be customised. The statuses configured by the customers will be present in the” User Update status” dropdown. The wireframe serves as a visual example.

We've also enhanced the Service Level Agreement functionality of the tool to automatically unsuspend an SLA on corresponding Open Calls when the Call is updated by the customer via email or the Self-service portal. Resolved and Closed calls will not be affected by this enhancement.

When the checkbox "Start Clock on Unsuspension" is enabled, if the Call is suspended, when the User updates the Call via email or in the SSP by adding a note/attachment, it will automatically unsuspend the Call and start the SLA clock. The "Start Clock on Unsuspension" will be evaluated against the new status set after the update so make sure to have the checkbox enabled for that particular new status set. September MR- Bugs
Dev Ref ASM Ref Name Initiative Category Current Behaviour New/Updated Behaviour Behaviour
AS-4447 Profile and Search fields not populated in the Call Search criteria on drilldown from graph Quality
  • Search

Profile and Search fields not populated in the Call Search criteria on drilldown from graph.

This is related to AS-4359 and the issue is now fixed.

AS-4445 Date fields don't load in User Survey form Quality
  • Surveys

When trying to complete the User survey from Chrome/Edge, the date fields don't load and data input is not possible.

ohe issue is now fixed and the date fields are working as expected on the User Survey form.

AS-4444 PDF viewer search dialog layout is broken Quality
  • PDF Viewer

While logging a call in Core and attaching objects like a document, the eye icon appears, and clicking it opens the PDF (Document) viewer.

Clicking the search in the PDF viewer reveals a search popup that does not fit the screen, causing the match case checkbox to extend beyond the popup.

The number of findings for the searched word is not displayed. Although the Analyst can use the back and forward arrows to navigate through the document with the findings, the total number of matches for the searched term are not visible between the arrows.

The issue is fixed, the PDF viewer is now displayed correctly.

AS-4442 Widgets break when showing 3 of 8 bulletins Quality
  • Widgets

SSP widgets break on the homepage when displaying three or more bulletins, specifically when the bulletin item count is changed from two to three or more in the Designer.

The issue is now fixed and the widgets display correctly.

AS-4441 Changing partition after save in Admin causes ASM Core to load in Admin Main section Quality
  • Partitioning

Changing partition after save in Admin causes ASM Core to load in Admin Main section, so it is duplicated.

After the change, when changing the partition after saving a previous selection, the Admin main section is not duplicated or loaded again.

AS-4427 88707 System Task Information section flash as it loads, then disappears Quality
  • Workflow

The System Task Information section briefly flashes on the screen as it loads, displaying the content momentarily before disappearing completely. This happens when tables are marked as hidden.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-4373 87239 Logging a Call and adding an Attachment changes from New to User Update status Quality
  • IPK

Logging a Call and adding an Attachment changes from New to User Update status when User Update functionality is used.

Adding an attachment when logging a Call from the SSP and submitting that Call, does not change from New to User Update status. The Call has the status New.

Logging a Call through email with attachment also works as expected, the Call status is New.

Fixed under AS-3819

AS-4365 88275 When logging a ticket via the portal using the Risk_ref field Calculated values is showing the correct value in Core but not in Nano Quality
  • Workflow

When logging a ticket via the SSP using the Risk_ref field Calculated values is showing the correct value in ASM Core, but not in the Nano interface.

The issue is now fixed and the calculated values are showing correctly in the Nano interface for Requests, as long as the existing default field is used.

AS-4364 88107 ASM Services create tmp files every few minutes daily Quality
  • Install/Upgrade

Running ASM and its services under service account (AD) seems to be creating a tmp file every few minutes of every day.

The issue is now resolved.

AS-4361 87927 Tab click doesn't work first time when RTE is focused Quality
  • UX

Tab click doesn't work first time when RTE is focused. When you scroll to the bottom of the screen and place your cursor in the text box, you must click on "Actions and Solutions" twice for the focus to shift, which only occurs when the scroll bar is at the lowest position and the text box is clicked.

When scrolling to the bottom of the screen and placing the cursor in the text box, a single click on "Actions and Solutions" will immediately shift the focus without requiring a second click, regardless of the scroll bar position.

AS-4360 87904 Tabs don't render correctly if loaded while hidden Quality
  • UX

When opening 4-6 Calls in the "Call Outstanding" section in review mode at the same time, only the last call displays the Actions and Solutions panel correctly, while the headings for all other Calls only appear after clicking the arrows.

The issue is now fixed and tabs render correctly if loaded while hidden, resulting in displaying the Actions and Solutions panel correctly.

AS-4359 87720 Graph drill down doesn't work Quality
  • Graph
  • Search

Graph drill down doesn't work. In one example, ghe drill-down either doesn't navigate anywhere at all or drills down to a completely different organisation when sort by organization to the graph view and view the search using Graph view is used.

We have updated the graph control to set the drilldown column so that it return the correct values.

AS-3926 87878 Tabs don't load correctly when cloning to KA on the Incident logging form Quality
  • IPK

Tabs don't load correctly when cloning to Knowledge Article on the Incident logging form (<> Symbol appears and you have to press <> to get the Actions and Solutions). This is an intermittent issue that happens when doing other combination of buttons, not just when cloning to Knowledge Article.

The issue is now fixed.

AS-3648 85149 Locations appear as a count of the Organizations they are referenced against in all Search results Quality
  • CMDB
  • Search

The list of unique locations is not visible, and attempting to clear the list results in the deletion of the entire Location record. What seem like duplicates are actually single records. Locations appear as a count of the Organizations they are referenced against in Search results.

Locations will be properly recognized as individual records and will no longer appear as duplicates. In Search results, Locations will be accurately referenced without counting the Organizations they are associated with, maintaining a clear distinction between Locations and Organizations.

AS-1289 55128 Message Subjects not visible Quality
  • Email

The email subjects aren't being assigned to the email template when adding a new template. When attempting to select a subject, the dropdown only displays subjects linked to the base task, and none associated with other screen sets appear.

When creating a new message template and adding a subject in the message editor within the message map, mapping the template and selecting the appropriate message map will ensure that the message subject is saved and displayed.

We have no deprecated features in this release.

ASM Hermes 10.6.8 - Full Release Notes